Address & Contact Edit
9793 Chester Pass Rd
Amelup WA 6338
Phone: 08 9827 9205
The Lily Windmill is an authentic 16th Century design brick "ground-sail" mill. The five story full size Dutch Windmill, with its 22 Ton cap and a sail length of 24.6 meters, is one of the largest traditional windmills ever built in Australia.
The mill is a fully operational windmill producing wholemeal stone-ground Spelt flour which is used in-house and is also for sale to the public.
A variety of self-contained accommodation is on offer as
well and now there is the opportunity to stay in a converted original 1944 Dakota.
Drive in or fly in to one of the two airstrips where you are able to park your plane close to the accommodation. To
check strip condition, call Pleun on 0427 279 206.