Address & Contact Edit
6A Broadway
Herberton QLD 4887
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Set on 16 acres, the Historic Village Herberton is a tin mining town with shops, pub, bank, chemist, grocer, printer and garage. There are more than 50 restored period buildings making this outdoor museum the most significant in Queensland.
Plan to spend the day and take your time taking in thousands of genuine antiques, Australian collectibles, vintage machinery and vehicles and more. Working exhibits are brought to life during school holidays and on some weekends.
Take the restored 1905 English steam engine ride between Herberton Station and Historic Village Herberton every Sunday from 10am to 2pm. Tickets $5.00 return for adults and $3.00 for children. The ride starts from Herberton Station and travels roughly parallel to the Wild River. It crosses the main highway by way of a tunnel under Grace Street Herberton. A few hundred meters further on a
bridge enables the crossing of Prospectors Gully where the first tin ore was found. From here on it passes through sclerophyll forest while travelling through cuttings and across another gully.
The ride ends at the Historic Village Herberton. Please note that in order to enter the village you need to have purchased a ticket at the