Strathmerton - VIC

Place Satellite Image


DEG: -35.925331 145.478653
DMS: 35º 55' 31.19" S 145º 28' 43.15" E
UTM: 55 H 6023264mN 362750mE
Altitude: 110m


Place Type

Population - Town


214.56kms North of Melbourne - Driving 247 km (2 hours 42 mins)
338.98kms West of Canberra - Driving 481 km (4 hours 58 mins)
634.35kms East of Adelaide - Driving 762 km (8 hours 20 mins)

Address & Contact

Murray Valley Hwy
Strathmerton VIC 3641
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Some of the best camping on the Murray can be found on the banks of the Murray between Cobram and Barmah. Numerous sandbars on a myriad of tracks with plentiful firewood but no loos.

You can have a sandbar to yourself most of the time and they are free camping - but they are to be avoided in peak season. Take your rod, pick up some Bardi Grubs in town, or some Yabbies, and if it's not closed season try your luck fishing for Murray Cod. Min keeping size is 50cm (Season closed end of July to 1 Dec) and you'll get a great feed from one fish. You need a NSW fishing license to fish in the Murray though.

Detour to up to the Victorian side of the river near Tocumwal or from Strathmerton head to Ulupna Island. Ask in town. Someone will point you in the right direction.

Don't miss the Strathy Bakery!

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Closest Weather Station

Yarrawonga at 22/10:30pm EDT
Distance from Strathmerton 50.96km E
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Tocumwal Airport
Distance from Strathmerton 16.28km NE
Mean Max. °C31.831.428.023.018.414.813.915.818.822.426.729.4
Mean Min. °C16.
Mean Rain mm32.429.834.831.740.943.942.343.139.143.634.233.9

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