Place Type
Population - Town
253.16kms North of Canberra - Driving 291 km (3 hours 45 mins)
292.74kms West of Sydney - Driving 357 km (4 hours 40 mins)
782.09kms SouthWest of Brisbane - Driving 971 km (11 hours 32 mins)
906.1kms East of Adelaide - Driving 1080 km (12 hours 17 mins)
Address & Contact
Parkes NSW
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A
There are usually two things that draw people to Parkes in the Central West region of NSW. First is ‘The Dish’, the giant radio telescope that played an integral role in the 1969 Moon landings. The second is the iconic Parkes Elvis Festival, a rollicking annual event where pompadours and pomade rule. But there’s so much more to explore here, including a world-class sculpture trail.