Address & Contact Edit
Limmen NT 0852
Phone: +618 8975 9844
Limmen River Fishing
Camp is a delightful spot outside the national park operated by station owners. Unlike the
camp of a similar name on Nathan Road this one is pet and caravan friendly. Limmen River Fishing
Camp is a
well established fishing
camp on the Limmen River. The river leads out into the Gulf of Carpentaria and the nearest town is Booroloola.
There are a number of cabins and powered or unpowered sites to choose from. Flushing
toilets and showers. If you're happy to
bush camp without facilities you can
camp anywhere along the 6km stretch of river bank so even if you don't have a boat you can fish from the banks. The fishing is good from here, but watch out for crocs. This is a good spot to launch a tinnie as you can head up the river for quite a way. This is a great
fishing Spot with Barra, Grunter, Queenies etc all being caught, please remember it is also
home to some very Large Salt Water Crocodiles.
The roads into the fishing
camp are corrugated so a 4WD would be advisable. Launch your boats into the mighty Limmen River and go to one of the many great spots for catching fish in the untouched Australian wilderness.
camp has fuel supplies for people camping onsite.