Entry Station on
Kakadu Highway (good tar).
Fees apply. Major fee changes due in April 2016 with facility upgrades prior.
Kakadu National Park is open 365 days per year. Given the large size of
Kakadu there are a number of key attractions that have different operating hours these are:
* Bowali
Visitor Centre - is open from 8am to 5pm.
* Warradjan Aboriginal Cultural Centre - is open from 9am to 5pm.
Ubirr Rock - is open from 8:30am until sunset from 1 April until 30 November
Ubirr Rock - is also open from 2pm until sunset from 1 December until 31 March.
Nourlangie Rock - is open from dawn until dusk.
The easiest way to buy your
Kakadu park pass is online. Just print off your pass or passes before you travel.
http://www.parksaustralia.gov.au/kakadu/plan-your-trip/passes-and-permits.htmlYou can also buy a park pass at the following locations:
Tourism Top End, corner of Bennett and Smith Streets,
Visitor Centre,
Kakadu National Park.
Gagudju Lodge, Cooinda.
Kakadu South Alligator, Arnhem Highway.