Archer Point Lighthouse - QLD



DEG: -15.59358 145.328506
DMS: 15º 35' 36.89" S 145º 19' 42.62" E
UTM: 55 L 8275317mN 320785mE
Altitude: 67m


Address & Contact

Cooktown QLD 4895
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


The original Archer Point Lighthouse was very similar to the structures on Geese Island, Flat Top, Bay Rock and Grassy Hill - a timber framed tower sheafed in rolled galvanised iron sheeting.

The lighthouse is prominently situated on a grassy hill.

Archer Point lighthouse, with the now disused Rocky Islet lighthouse once formed the lead between the Hope Islands and the mainland to the south, and to the north between the mainland and the coral reefs to the eastward.

At night, the white sector of the light indicates the clear passage and the red and green sectors indicates the ship is outside the channel.

With the building of the new light in 1979 it was converted to electricity.
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Closest Weather Station

Cooktown at 22/03:40pm EST
Distance from Archer Point Lighthouse 22.38km NW
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Cooktown Airport
Distance from Archer Point Lighthouse 22.38km NW
Mean Max. °C31.831.630.429.127.726.726.127.028.830.431.532.2
Mean Min. °C24.324.323.822.920.719.417.718.220.922.623.824.5
Mean Rain mm280.3295.7390.8156.736.628.521.817.67.224.671.0154.0

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