Marlgu Billabong - WA



DEG: -15.54939 128.259705
DMS: 15º 32' 57.8" S 128º 15' 34.94" E
UTM: 52 L 8280770mN 420618mE
Altitude: 14m


Address & Contact

Unnamed Road
Wyndham WA 6740
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Marglu Billabong in Parry Lagoons Nature Reserve is an important waterbird feeding and breeding area. It is also a stopover point for migratory waders, some of which travel from as far afield as Siberia. Nearby Telegraph Hill offers views over Marglu Billabong and a great walk to the ruins of the old telegraph station.

Wealth of waterbirds.

During the wet season, flooding creeks inundate the flat, low-lying plain and bring abundant food to Marglu Billabong; food which attracts an incredible number and variety of waterbirds. Egrets, spoonbills, herons, ibises, many species of waterfowl, magpie geese and stilts can often be counted in their thousands.

Wildlife in the dry season.

As the wet subsides and billabongs and lagoons shrink, the barramundi, mullet and tarpon left in the pools provide a year-round food supply for fish-eating birds of prey, pelicans, jabirus and the occasional crocodile. During the dry season many species of quail, plover and other ground-nesting birds use the grasslands for breeding and cover.
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Closest Weather Station

Wyndham Airport at 22/07:30pm WST
Distance from Marlgu Billabong 12.5km W
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Wyndham Aero
Distance from Marlgu Billabong 12.5km W
Mean Max. °C36.435.635.436.533.830.831.733.837.639.239.938.0
Mean Min. °C26.225.825.523.418.915.
Mean Rain mm189.7216.6155.

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