Elephant Rocks & Elephant Cove - WA



DEG: -35.0256 117.238
DMS: 35º 01' 32.16" S 117º 14' 16.8" E
UTM: 50 H 6124092mN 521711mE
Altitude: 7.96m


Address & Contact

LOT 7595 William Bay Rd
William Bay WA 6333
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


The eastern end of William Bay National Park, which includes Greens Pool and Elephant Rocks, is accessible from the South Coast Highway approximately 14 kilometres west of Denmark. When you get to William Bay National Park you can drive directly to the Elephant Rocks carpark. It's below the Greens Pool carpark. Once parked, a light stroll along the pathway and you'll see the signs to Elephant Rocks. As it name suggests, Elephant Rocks looks exactly like a herd of elephants, paddling in the shallow waters. You can see the 'elephants' from a lookout point in the trail.
For the more adventurous, descend the staircase and make your way between two towering rocks onto the beach. These huge cracked elephant-shaped oval rocks make a stunning sight as they gaze out upon the Great Southern Ocean.
Alternatively, you can reach Elephant Rocks & Elephant Cove from Greens Pool. Just head to the east walking over the sloping natural rock until you reach the signed path.
Elephant Cove is accessed via a staircase which descends between the rocks and ends in a beach crevasse allowing you to walk onto the beach (Elephant Cove), which is a delightful small bay and beach.
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Closest Weather Station

Walpole North at 22/03:00pm WST
Distance from Elephant Rocks & Elephant Cove 47.77km W
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Albany Airport
Distance from Elephant Rocks & Elephant Cove 52.21km E
Mean Max. °C24.724.924.121.818.916.615.816.117.318.720.823.1
Mean Min. °C13.714.413.411.
Mean Rain mm24.

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