Beyeria Conservation Park Walk - Stop 7 - SA

  Walk Track


DEG: -35.781342 137.594696
DMS: 35º 46' 52.83" S 137º 35' 40.91" E
UTM: 53 H 6037197mN 734523mE
Altitude: 54m


Address & Contact

Willsons Road
Phone: N/A
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Web: N/A


Beyeria Conservation Park is a protected area in South Australia located on Kangaroo Island about 16 kilometres south of Kingscote on the northern edge of the MacGillivray Plain. It was proclaimed on 14 May 1987 following requests to the state government by conservation groups and botanists to prevent further land clearing for agriculture in the vicinity, as well as to protect populations of rare plant species. The name of the conservation park is taken from the generic name of one of the plants so protected – the Kangaroo Island Turpentine Bush (Beyeria subtecta).

The conservation park has an area of 188 hectares (460 acres). It has sandy loam lateritic soils over deep clay, with gilgais in the otherwise level plain. There is a small, seasonally-filled swamp in the south-eastern corner. The vegetation association is Eucalyptus cneorifolia woodland with Melaleuca uncinata, and Callistemon rugulosus in the swampy area. Apart from the turpentine bush, rare endemic plants in the reserve include Grevillea muricata, Olearia microdisca and Caladenia ovata.

The conservation park is classified as an IUCN IUCN Category IV protected area.
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Closest Weather Station

Kingscote at 11/09:30pm CDT
Distance from Beyeria Conservation Park Walk - Stop 7 10.1km NW
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Kingscote Aero
Distance from Beyeria Conservation Park Walk - Stop 7 10.1km NW
Mean Max. °C26.526.624.321.518.516.115.416.117.819.923.024.8
Mean Min. °C13.113.511.
Mean Rain mm13.816.427.426.946.967.163.256.645.330.822.517.7

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