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Rufus River NSW 2648
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There are 10 locks on the River Murray. Locks 1-9 are controlled by SA, and lock 10 is controlled by NSW. In total there are 26 man made locks, weirs, barrages on the River Murray.
Lock 8 at Wangumma 726 km's from the
Goolwa barrages. The distance between each of the other locks and weirs range from 29 to 88 km's APART.
The river is narrow until it gets to
Wellington where it meets
Lake Alexandrina.
Lake Alexandrina and
Lake Albert require about 2000 GL to fill. Where as in other parts of the river, much smaller quantities of freshwater are required to keep the river levels elevated.
One more weir near
Wellington would make the stretch of the Lower River Murray more manageable. The stretch of water includes two very different environments: a river system from
Blanchetown to
Wellington, and the Lower Lakes system. A Lower Lakes system which could be restored to estuarine and allowed to become tidal again.
One more weir near
Wellington, would prevent seawater from travelling up the Murray to
water supply source, would make this stretch of river safer, and would pave the way for allowing the Lower Lakes to return to a healthier tidal estuarine system.