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Cardstone Rd Kooroomool QLD 4854
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Kareeya Hydro, near
Tully in Far North Queensland, has been providing clean,green electricity to Queenslanders since 1957. It has a current capacity of 88 megawatts produced by four 22 MW generators, which provide power to the National Electricity Market.
Taking its name from an Aboriginal word meaning ‘big water’, the Kareeya Hydro project originally comprised construction of
Koombooloomba Dam,
Tully Falls Weir and Kareeya Hydro PS.
It is Kareeya Hydro’s ability to quickly start extra generators that is important in ensuring a secure, reliable power supply for distribution to consumers. A $30 million upgrade of the station between 2005 and 2008 has extended the life of the power station by 25 years to 2050 and increased capacity, generation, efficiency and reliability