Thursday 24th June, 2010
Darlsen Pinnacle CampRudall River National Park

Tuck Truck Camp - The Mick O mobile. This is what it was built for.
A day of highs and lows today which began with a restless night. It was a bit cooler so sleep was easy to come by. I awoke many times, often to the mournful howl of the local dingos echoing along the valley.
I was up early and prepared Jude’s famous tomatoes on

An Artic Cat Calendar shot for sure - Big Red and the Pinnacle
toast recipe for the four of us. Then it was a bit of fluffing underneath the vehicle and checking that the airbags were seating correctly. I found that one of the bottom brackets had loosened and rotated fractionally. I was itching to get going on the quads but by 10:45 a.m., everyone was

Returning jubilant from the morning real estate search.
still faffing and I was getting a bit frustrated so I decided to climb the
pinnacle talus slope and get some photos of the
camp and surrounding countryside. To this end, I rode the quad up as far as I dared. Walking the remaining distance up I somehow overextended and damaged my left calf muscle causing extreme pain, especially when my toes are forward. It was a slow, careful and painful hobble down the slope and then gingerly extracting the quad I rode the short distance back to
camp. That put paid to my intended days activities which involved exploring the local gorges for water. Suzette applied some unguents and massaged my calf for which I will be eternally grateful.

Darlsen Camp - fully worth the effort in getting here.

Pool in the Yandagooge Gorge

Checking out the art at the cave entrance

Scotty and Al outside the cave - Yandagooge Gap
Being only able to hobble painfully, I let Al take Big Red out on the exploratory mission with MJ on the back and I retired to the RTT for a rest. While the temp gauge showed 28C, it was damn hot in the sun and the aluminum roof of the RTT, being devoid of insulation, became to hot to touch. I rested for an hour or more and then sat about in the shade of the awning awaiting the return of the quad teams.

A little harder please Suze. Captain Sooky La La being administered to by the GDEC first aid team
They had a great discovery during the mornings excursion. One of the gorges contained a
waterhole which still containing a good quantity of water. There was a largish
cave nearby with signs of habitation in the distant past and some rudimentary art. A real find all duly recorded. We also had some great

Captain Sooky La La nursing his wound!
news in that Kevin Rudd had been sacked by his own party. The great pretender was betrayed just as he did to Latham. Gillard has been sworn in as PM. While that’s no bonus, the “un-deliverer” is gone. I spent an hour listening to the distant and faint waves of the ABC drifting across

MJ contemplating his place in the universe...and what a place to do it.
the AM band to get the lowdown.

The camp viewed from the top of the Talus slope.

View to the south along the Darlsen Valley (camp bottom left)
In the late afternoon, the full moon rose spectacularly above the rocky ramparts behind us. The colours of the surrounding rocks become so deep and vivid at this time, contrasted against the pristine blue of the sky, the silver orb of the moon was a spectacular sight. Later, we saw the space station again cruising stately overhead.
Can night called as the
cook is incapacitated. The judicious use of natures anti-inflammatory was called for to relieve the swelling.

The Gupster - Chateau Darling

Camp Cook(e) - The residence of our retirees with ensuite!

Camp Johnson - The supatroopy.

Darlsen Pinnacle

Ancient art at the cave

The silver orb rising above the ramparts of the Darlsen Valley