From the Calvert Ranges to the Canning Stock Route & Durba Springs - VIDEO

Thursday, Jan 22, 2009 at 20:26


7th July, 2008.

The crazed tumble of dunes between the Calverts and the Canning follow no linear order at all forming circles, eights and u-shapes like some crazy gods sand pit. The track was heavily corrugated in some areas which I don’t remember from last year. The track is easier to negotiate heading west to the Canning than it is in the opposing direction.

This video taken by Gaby shows us traversing between and across the sand dunes of the Little Sandy Desert. We are travelling west between the Calvert Ranges and the Canning Stock Route and our eventual destination of Durba springs. The track is heavily corrugated, narrow and winding. The western faces of the dunes are much softer than those of the east making our going easier than vehicles travelling the other way. It's a long way from anywhere and you must be constantly vigilant for oncoming vehicles and roadside obstructions. In this vid, we have had radio contact with an oncoming group of vehicles who have pulled over in the lee of a dune to let us pass.

The final video is a quick sweep around Durba Springs, that magnificent gorge where weary travellers on the Canning take a break. It's late afternoon so the red of the gorge walls is not as vivid as it should be but it gives you an idea as to why it's a firm favorite.

Go to the BLOG entry for 7th July, 2008 and see some of the amazing pretroglyphs of the Calvert Ranges ancient aboriginal art sites.

''We knew from the experience of well-known travelers that the
trip would doubtless be attended with much hardship.''
Richard Maurice - 1903
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