Wednesday 10th June
Well 46, CSR
20 38 31.26 126 17 14.72 Od 207176

Peering down the restored well 49 - CSR

John and his able assistants tending to Willems vehicle
Up to a scant fire on the left over timber I had collected the previous day. When we went to head off, Willies car had electrical problems meaning his navigation system was out.
John, thank god, was soon at it diagnosing the problem. I provided some odds and sods to assist in getting it going.

Mr Magic at work
After 45 minutes,
John had rewired the vehicle and we were off. A good road to the south across wide open spinifex and the occasional low dune. The Breadon Hills soon came into view, the jagged, torn outlines of these rugged ranges providing a spectacular backdrop. Plenty of photo and video opportunities were to be had.

A lesson for outback travellers - The burnt Ford Exploder
We took the track into the
ruins of
Well 47 and then back out and down to the Breadon
pool intersection. I passed the valley in which
John and I had camped in 2006. Here Willie left us and headed on towards 46. The rest of us took the narrow, winding and dusty track into Breadon Valley and
the pool. The track, whilst easy driving, crossed grasslands and almost Canegrass like savannah to the low hills at the end of
the gorge. By unanimous consent, a cup of tea was in order before we saddled up and headed off on the short, 3 minute walk along
the gorge to the Breadon
pool and the native hide.

Breadon Hills CSR

The ruins of Well 48 - CSR
Joe Breaden after whom
the pool and the hills are named was a member of David
Carnegie's exploration party who were the first Europeans to discover this area during his 1896-97 expedition across the
Gibson Desert.
The pool sits at the end of the narrow
gorge and was filled with water on this occasion. Two large native figs shade the area. On the stony
cliff walls above
the pool, natives have enclosed a small
cavern with rocks to form a hide. It was reputed to be used by them to hunt wildlife coming down to the
waterhole to drink.

Track Marker - Breadon Hills CSR
From here we headed up onto the rocky plateau above and started scouting for Godfrey Tank. It was overland across the rocky range looking for
cairns to lead us to Godfrey Tank. I did the long walk to a far cairn and then into a valley finding the rest on a
well worn path to the tank and pools. Godfrey’s Tank, despite its name is not a man-made structure but a natural
rock pool.

Heading into the Breadon Valley
Godfrey Massie, also a member of
Carnegie's team, discovered the
rock pool that now carries his name. It comprises a large round shaped bowl in the narrow steep
gorge. From our location, flowing water would plunge 15 metres or so down into the main
pool. The sheer walls have been chiselled with the names of
explorers and drovers alike, all of whom passed this way in the last 100 years. In the upper reaches of the creek, large pools of water stand. The surrounding rocks have petroglyphs and
rock carvings of indeterminate age etched into them again attesting to the long term habitation of this special place. It was a great place to spend a while.

The hide at Breadon Pool

Ancient Petorglyphs at Godfrey Tank
We walked the trail back arriving above the car park area to the west. We had lunch in what shade could be found there. Peter and Sandy decided to head back north along the Canning as their tyre situation was somewhat extreme (They can plug but cannot run tubes due to the rims and the internal run-flats). They kindly offered us their remaining fuel which we eagerly accepted and taken onboard using the tanami pump. We headed back out towards the main track again at about half one. It was indeed a sad feeling and a knot in the pit of the stomach to say goodbye to one of our number. It was difficult to listen to them fade into static on the radio for the last time.

The gorge containing Godfrey Tank
Heading south as a group of four we stopped at numerous locations to get firewood, fortuitous as Willem’s numerous ailments had prevented him from collecting much on the way in (it was his one request when we gave him an update on the satphone).

Godfrey Tank
We climbed one or two high spots to gain an appreciation of the surrounding country and take photos. The setting sun in the eyes once we hit the turn for
Well 46 was blinding. Stopping removing the dust from the windscreen was of some help but it was a slow last few kilometres into the
well arriving just as the sun finally sank below the western horizon. We wasted no time in getting a huge fire going and boiled heaps of water for the washing. Pants, shorts, four shirts, heaps of jocks and socks, all hung out by dinner. It was a definite can night, a shower and then to bed early, thoroughly exhausted.

The Breadon Pool camping area

The explorers heading back to the vehicles

Trees at the camping area - Bredadon Pool

Pete and Sandy saying their farewells

I have no idea what he's doing - Lord of the dance?

The Trig Marker on Mt Romilly. Now that is a cairn!

The Toyota wood conveyance device