First Camp & Day 1

Saturday, Aug 03, 2013 at 22:02

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

We departed this morning after a few usual late minute issues, all of which were sorted quickly. A quick stop Repco saw us getting the last of the car spares and then off and moving at 10:30.

I expected to travel about 450km so we would be just past Hyden and Wave Rock. The drive was pleasant and not too hurried via Mundaring, York, Quairading, Corrigin & then Hyden. We started the trek note research phase which slow us down to collect the information and photos.

Passing Wave Rock and the State Barrier Fence we then arrived at the Holland Track intersection. It was 4:30pm and we knew of a good camp at Emu Rock just down the Holland Track about 10mins. So down the Holland Track we went and made camp 1 at Emu Rock.

The ground is damp but we found plenty of wood, had a good fire and dinner. Just sitting by the fire writing this blog.

Love being out in the bush again at last away from the office. Looking forward to continuing to make so of you jealous for the next few weeks. So now time for desert and bed. All the best.


David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Currently Mapping in the Field Across Australia Fulltime in 2023 - 2025
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