Michelle Martin, co-director of I.T Beyond Pty Ltd., and Sales & Marketing Director for ExplorOz, flew from
Perth to
Sydney on Friday 19th March and then travelled by road to
Lightning Ridge in outback NSW to give a presentation and operate a trade display at the Outback NSW Tourism Symposium held Monday 22nd - Tuesday 23rd March.
The Outback NSW Regional Tourism Organisation (ORTO) was formed by Tourism New South Wales in 1992 as one of the Regional Tourism Groups of NSW. It is a not-for-profit organisation keyed with the responsibility of working with key tourism industry players in the region and promoting Outback NSW to potential tourists for the economic benefit of the area.

ExplorOz Trade Display Stand
Last year, and again this year, ExplorOz was invited to attend it's annual conference to offer information via a static trade display stand to the conference attendees. This year, we were also invited to be a guest speaker to provide information to the conference delegates about the
services offered by ExplorOz to business and to the region in general.
A copy of the Powerpoint presentation is available for download - see attachment at end of this blog page.
A blog containing a travel journal of the trip is