Yachts in Trinity Inlet, Cairns
June 2012
Back in February when we were putting the final destinations for our holidays for the year together, we were looking at some old photos of some of our past Queensland trips. One lot of photos that we looked at a couple of times were the two times that we had driven up to
Cairns, with our last visit back in 1988, when we spent three great months travelling through Queensland and as far north as
Cairns. In 24 years we knew that the place would have changes greatly, so we decided that a special luxury holiday for us both was going to be in order of the day, which was going to be a real change from red sand and our swag on the ground out in the bush.
Now this time we did not have the luxury of extended time away for such a very long drive from
home, and with two spare weeks in June, it would mean that we would have to take to the air to get there. Through my work, we were able to utilise a staff “Holiday Rewards” and Fiona soon found a perfect location right in the very heart of
Cairns and walking distance to all town facilities. With dates decided on and flights organised, we would be able to still spend two weeks in that great location in Queensland and not have to worry about the long drive from South Australia to get there.
As with any holiday, we were taking great note of the weather for the three weeks leading up to the trip and true to “Langman’s” luck, the so called perfect weather was far from perfect, with daily rainfall ranging from 5 to 20 mm and no clear sky’s, but at least the daytime temperatures were a very balmy 26°- 27°, compared to the 10°- 12° daytime temperatures that we were now into in our
home town of
Clare, South Australia. With the alarm off at 1am and a very brisk 3° outside temperature, it was our last warm up by the fire before showers and heading off down to
Adelaide for our 6am flight from the
Adelaide Airport.
We arrived at the Security Airport
Parking by 4.30am and with the car booked in; a shuttle bus drove us to the Airport at 5am. By the time we booked in our bags, collected our boarding passes, we did not have long to wait before we able to board the plane and we were both very excited for our holiday to commence. With an hour stop over in
Sydney, again the time passed very quickly and we were soon away again heading north. The flight was very smooth, but the down side was that we could not see any land features due to the complete dense cloud cover the hole way to
Cairns. Descending through the clouds as we approached
Cairns Airport, we could see very large puddles of water everywhere, and the rain was soon falling on the side windows of the plane as we landed. With bags collected, we took a Taxi to the Mantra Trilogy, which would now be our
home for the next two weeks.

View from our Room

View from our Room

View to the Ranges to the West of Cairns

Cloud covered Ranges

Cloud covered Ranges

View from our Room
Cairns was alive with people everywhere, as what we did not know at the time was that the
Cairns Iron Man event was about to take place the next day. How fit are these true dedicated athletes, as on Sunday 3rd June 2012 at 7am they started off with a 3.8 kilometre swim, followed by a 180 kilometre bike ride and then finished off with a 42.2 marathon run, yes all of these in one event. Walking down to
check out the atmosphere, we both got very wet in the steady rain that was falling, so the first place that we could buy a large umbrella, we spent our first tourist dollars on this this very useful piece of kit, as the predicted forecast was similar weather for most of the coming week, just what we wanted like a whole in the head.

The Start of the Cairns Iron Man Event

Fruit Bats near the Mantra Trilogy

Mantra Trilogy
Well what a difference twelve hours can bring. Even though we had a good sleep, I was awake early and when I looked out at the sky, I could not believe what I was seeing, a perfect blue sky with distant clouds way out to sea and a cloud and mist covered range to the west of
Cairns. There was now no hesitation and we phoned and booked a Train and return Skyrail trip to
Kuranda and the bus would pick us up at 7.30am from our accommodation and take us to the Freshwater Railway Station. As we headed along the Captain
Cook Highway, it was no like peak hour traffic in any major capital city, with all traffic down to a stop and start motion, as the first of the bike riders from the Iron Man event were
well underway and the Highway was now down to one lane a traffic, with dozens of Police manning the route and ever side road was now blocked to all traffic. Paul the bus driver then began a great commentary of the event and told us of his great feat, the first person to climb Mount Everest with only one arm. During his talk, he said that we should be at the Freshwater Railway Station in around 12 minutes, but an hour later, and with no possible side road detours, we pulled into the bus park at the Station. A quick coffee and the Train soon came into the station to collect its last lot of passengers for the most enjoyable train ride up to
Kuranda. We have taken this trip a number of times in the past, but the ride up passing through fifteen hand carved tunnels and the unreal scenery is always an experience not to be missed.

Freshwater Railway Station

Freshwater Railway Station

Freshwater Railway Station

Freshwater Railway Station Platform

Kuranda Train Arriving at Freshwater Station

Loading the Train

Field of Sugar Cane and High Ranges

Horseshoe Bend

Entering a Tunnel

Entering a Tunnel

Enjoying the train ride

Crossing Stoney Creek Falls Railway Bridge

Stoney Creek Falls

Views from the Train

Views from the Train

Barron Gorge Station

Sign on the Train

Kuranda Railway Station

Kuranda Railway Station


Kuranda town Walkway

Town Walkway

Kuranda town Walkway
For the next five and a half hours, we did the tourist thing and took in the atmosphere of the
Kuranda Sunday Markets, including a great and informative tour of the Butterfly Sanctuary. Our scheduled return trip back on the
Skyrail Rainforest Cableway was to leave at 3.30pm, so after a most enjoyable time in
Kuranda, we made our way back to the terminal for another great experience. The return Cableway ride makes two stops along the way, the first at Barron Falls and the second stop at Red Peak where passengers are able to disembark and are able is they would like too, do the small but rewarding rainforest walks. Leaving Red Peak you climb the last of the large peaks and then it is down
hill all the way, with unreal
views out to the ocean and the distant ranges that border
Cairns. Arriving at Skyrail’s Caravonica Terminal at 4.45pm, the bus was waiting there to take us back to the apartments, and again there were still many road closures with the still running Iron Man event. Back in our room, the view down to the Esplanade was just perfect, with hundreds of people cheering on each runner and they passed by. We then went down ourselves to be part of the atmosphere and how these men and women put themselves through such endurance is just unbelievable and they all deserved a medal. After tea, we again went down to the street and the crowds were now even bigger and then runners were now looking very tired and the look of pain of their faces was now very evident. It also seemed very strange to be outside at 10pm and still only in a T bleep s and shorts, a far cry from the very cold conditions that we would have expected back
home. Back in our room we sat on
the balcony for some time and with each passing runner, the crowds would scream out with claps and words of encouragement and cheers, to encourage the runners to keep going, knowing that 12 midnight was the cut out point for all those that started the event, some 17 hours previous. After a long a great day we went to bed, with the constant cheers and then it seemed to go very quite, yes it was then after midnight and the event was stopped until again next year when the second event will take place.

Kuranda Markets

Kuranda Markets

Original Kuranda Markets section still in use today, but now 7 days a week

Boyd's Forrest Dragon

Kuranda Butterfly Sanctuary

Kuranda Butterfly Sanctuary

Kuranda Butterfly Sanctuary

Be Careful Fiona

Skyrail Terminal at Kuranda

Tourists lined up to take the Skyrail back to Cairns

Our turn next

Over the Barron River

Barron Gorge Waterfall

Barron Gorge viewing platform

Personal Trolley

Heading towards Red Peak Station

Guided walk at Red Peak Station

Red Peak Terminal

Down hill all the way
The next day dawned just as perfect as the previous day, so we again decided to make the most of the fine weather, just in case it turned again in the coming days. We did no have to rush this morning, so it was again breakfast on
the balcony and when we were ready, we had a leisurely stroll down to the main wharf and booked our tickets for the
Green Island Ferry. The last time we were on
Green Island, we had a rough boat trip over, but todays trip was just perfect. In what seemed like no time at all, we were soon over on
Green Island and conditions could not have been any better.
Well before we were on the Island proper, we were greeted with three Green Turtles in the shallow waters not far from the shore. Most people were in a hurry to get onto the Island, and apart from only three other couples, we spent the good part of fifteen minutes watching these graceful sea creatures slowly swimming around before they come to the surface for more air, before again diving under the surface and feeing on the sea grass beds.

Our Transport to Green Island

Cairns Harbour

Arriving at Green Island

Time to leave the Reef King

It was an enjoyable walk up the jetty

Not many people stopped on the Jetty

Looking back to the Reef King

Green Turtle in the shallows
How the Island had changed in 24 years, with paving and timber boardwalks everywhere you were able to walk, complete now with a
pool and lots of tourist shops and food outlets, and gone were the days when it was sandy paths around the Island. With Fiona’s caffeine intake toped up, it was time for our Glass Bottom Boat ride out over the reef. Back on the Island, we took it easy, having lunch by
the pool and even had time to write a few postcards for family members back
home. No visit to
Green Island would be complete with a stroll around the Island, which we did again and here the boardwalk take nearly three quarters of the walk, before coming out on
the beach on the top southeast part of the Island. Time went quickly again and it was soon time to slowly make our way back to the end of the jetty and wait for our return ferry trip at 3.30pm, before arriving back at the
Cairns Marina just after 4.30pm. Slowly walking back along the Esplanade, we took in the atmosphere as hundreds of tourists, both local and from overseas, were either relaxing on the lawns or swimming in
the pool area on the foreshore. Returning to our apartment, we had a coffee before venturing down to the shopping and market area.

How the Island has changed

All for the Tourist

Waiting for the Glass Bottom Boat cruise

Out on the Reef

Green Island Wharf

On the Green Island Rainforest Walk

Green Island Wharf - Low Tide

Relaxing has a cost

Tourists = Making Money

Green Island Rainforest Walk

Snorkelling on the Reef

Farewell Green Island

Returning to Cairns Marina

Cairns foreshore swimming area
Another perfect morning and it was now time to hire a car so we could get out to see more of the many special locations in the area. The first 2 car rental companies that I contact had no vehicles at all, while the thirds company we were in luck, but we were not able to collect it until 10am, due to the high demand and they had to get them cleaned and ready before they were hired out again immediately. The great part of where we were so centrally located meant it was only a ten minute walk to the car hire company. With all the paperwork out of the way, we were handed the keys and then we were on our way up to
Kuranda via the Barron
Gorge Power Station. Walking over the main access drive to the Power Station, the Surprise Creek Waterfalls still look an impressive sight, and then perched high above, you can just make out the railway line as in span’s
the gap over the Waterfalls. I must be an unreal sight to see the Barron River in flood and the sound of the rushing water would be deafening.

Surprise Creek Waterfall

Barron Gorge Power Station

Barron Gorge Walk to viewing area

Sugar Cane ready for harvesting

Rex Range Lookout

Land Slip

Flagstaff Hill Lookout

Port Douglas Marina
Making our way through to
Kuranda, we stopped for lunch before heading further west to
Mareeba. Seeing it was now early afternoon, we decide to head towards
Mount Molloy rather than down to
Atherton, as we would leave this to another day when we had more time on our hand. The countryside looked great and the main agricultural crops grown along the way were both Sugar Cane and Bananas. The Sugar Cane was in various stages of growth, and we were to find out later why the variation in the age of the crops. Passing one large Banana plantation, there was a small
sign on one of the farmer’s gates offering Banana and other local produce for sale. This was one temptation that we could not pass up, so a quick ‘U’ turn had us driving into the Banana Plantation
farm. We were surprised by the size of the
infrastructure and the size of their packing shed. All the good size bags of locally grown fruit were only $2 per bag, and only if Bananas had a long life. We purchased a couple of bags on Bananas and some Avocados. The Bananas were not real big, but they were the sweetest that I had ever tasted and to think that when the Cyclones destroyed all these crops around twelve months ago, we were paying over $17 per Kilogram in
Heading towards the coast and in the very hilly terrain, we came to a lot of road words and not long after we could see why. There was a very large landslip and thousands of tonnes and dirt, rocks and trees had stilled due to the very wet weather, and this was not the last time that we would encounter such events in our travels around the area. We headed into
Port Douglas for a look around, and just like
Cairns, the town had grown immensely since our last visit. The Marina was full of activity as passengers disembarked from their days adventure out on the Great Barrie Reef, and I would hate to guess how many dollars worth of boats were moored in the Marina. The drive back down along the Captain
Cook Highway was as it always is, the most enjoyable drive the sea on one side and the Rainforest on one side, or passing through fields of Sugar Cane. Back in the apartment, we had an early night, as we had a very special day planned for the following day.

View from the James Earl Lookout

Black Mountain

Black Mountain

Cooktown Interpretive Centre

James Cook Memorial

Grassy Hill Lighthouse - Cooktown

Our lunch spot, Grassy Hill

Cooktown Powder Magazine

Chinese Memorial - Cooktown

Cooks Landing Spot - Cooktown

Cook Memorial

Endeavour River

Peninsula Development Road

Peninsula Development Road at Bob's Lookout

View from Bob's Lookout
Even though I have the alarm set for 5am, I managed to beat it an we were up and out of bed by 4.50am and very eager for todays drive. We did not rush, but we were able to be on the road by just after 6.15am and had the highway to ourselves until just after
Kuranda. Arriving in
Mareeba, the early morning hot air balloon was drifting silently over the town and we were surprised that it was not higher in the sky. We headed north and just after
Mount Molloy turned left onto the Peninsula Development Road. The were a few caravans on this section of road heading north and the road was a pleasure to drive, with not a cloud in the sky and the warm rays of the sun making it just perfect for travelling. As we started to get into the higher ranges, we could see in the distance the top of the high range covered in a dense cover of cloud and we were heading straight for it. A few kilometres before Bob’s
Lookout, we were engulfed in the thickest of fogs and were now down to a very slow speed, as we could not see very far in front of us. It looked very strange passing the
lookout, as there was a caravan parked there and the owners were standing outside, looking at a wall of thick white fog, and not the expected view that is usually obtained from this
vantage point. Down the
hill we went and then as quick as the fog came, we were again back into clear blue skies. It was now nearing a smoko break and the James Earl
Lookout, south of
Lakeland made the perfect location, complete with
toilets and seats.

View from the James Earl Lookout
After a pleasant stop here, it was back on the road again and we were soon passing through
Lakeland and our next stop was the unreal looking
Black Mountain Lookout, in the Black Trevethan Range. The Mountain itself consists of large black
granite rocks that make up the Mountain and there are countless stories over the years of people and stock wandering into the vicinity of Black Mountain and never to been seen again, including Police and Black Trackers sent to look for the missing people, only to disappear themselves. We now very close to our day’s destination and not long after leaving the
lookout, we arrive in
Cooktown and we went straight to the
Cooktown Interpretive Centre. Loaded up with local information, we then went up to
Grassy Hill Lookout for lunch; even if was still only early in the day. Arriving at the top of
Grassy Hill and the
views can be described as unreal, with complete 360-degree unobstructed
views. What makes this spot so even more special is to think that Lieutenant James
Cook stood upon this very
hill back in June 1770 and peered out to sea in the hope of finding a safe passage out through the maze of what we now know as the Great Barrier Reef. Little did we know at the time, but in a couple of days I would engage in a debate about this very town at a
lookout at
Cape Tribulation.
After lunch, we had a great tour of the town, with our biggest regret was that we wanted to stay here for a few days, but we never had that luxury,
well not this trip anyway. After spending around 5 hours looking at all the major points of interest, it was time to retrace our tracks and make our way back to
Cairns. The drive back was just perfect, and even Bob’s
Lookout had perfect viewing conditions. The only thing that had changed on the way back south was that there were now a number of fires along the side of the highway to clear the roadside verge of tall grass. Back in
Cairns it was the usual nightly walk down to the Night Markets, more fresh fruit and an easy night for the next great days adventure.

Roadside Burning off

Old Ruins at Mount Molloy
We were in no hurray today, but still manage to be on the road before 8am. By now we were starting to get to know the main road up to
Kuranda and on to
Mareeba quite
well and it was soon time to head out on the Burke Development Road. It was along this section of road that we saw the first sugar mills in full swing, as like other parts of Northern Queensland, the unseasonal wet weather had delayed the crushing season by around 3 weeks. It was just after Almaden that we had the first of four sections totalling around 15 kilometres of unsealed roads, but they were in very good condition. Arriving in
Chillagoe, we went to Hub for the latest up to date
tourist information and enquired about one of the
Cave tours. The next scheduled tour was at 1.30pm, so we had just over 2 hours to see a few of the other major attractions that
Chillagoe has on offer, including Balancing
Rock and the
old Mine site. We did the
Royal Arch Cave tour and Luke our National Parks
Ranger was a great guide. At the start of the tour, we were all given lights for the tour and these were a real bonus. As usual, the time went very quick and what seemed like no time, were back on the road at a leisurely pace on our way to
Cairns. Once again
Chillagoe was a great little tidy town and we have put it on our bucket list for a longer stay when we are travelling Queensland again, this time in our own vehicle. Back in
Cairns, it was a trip to the
Supermarket, a walk of less than 5 minutes from our apartment to top up on supplies and then another easy night in preparation for another great day tomorrow.

Heading out of Mareeba

Peninsula Development Road

Balancing Rock, Chillagoe

Old Aboriginal Rock Paintings

On the way to the Old Mining Ruins

The Old Mining Ruins - Chillagoe

The Old Mining Ruins - Chillagoe

Old Bank Vault

The Hub Chillagoe

The start of the Royal Arch Cave Tour

Inside the Royal Arch Cave

Water level inside the Royal Arch Cave

Inside the Royal Arch Cave

Dark coloured Termite Mound

Light Coloured Termite mound
After a sleep-in and breakfast on
the balcony, we headed out of
Cairns just after 9am on the Captain
Cook Highway and the drive up the coast road was just another perfect drive. With a number of stops along the way, we arrived at the ferry crossing of the
Daintree River, our access point for our drive up to
cape Tribulation. Unlike the ferry
services that are supplied back in South Australia which are free, the return ferry trip was $22 and cash only, so if you are intending to use this facility, make sure that you have cash on you. The crossing time was very quick and once over the other side, we stopped to take a few more photos before heading north into the true tropical rainforest that this part of the world is renowned for. We were stopping continuously to take in this beautiful part of Queensland and we finally arrived at
Cape Tribulation just before lunch. How the tourist impact has had on this great road up to
Cape Tribulation, as the last time we were up here, it was a dirt road all the way and you had to cross nearly all the creeks, which was an experience in itself.

Looking South along the Coast from Rex Lookout

Daintree River Ferry

Daintree River Ferry

Ferry charges - Cash Only

The start of the road to Cape Tribulation

Fiona on one of the Forrest Walks

Warning at Cape Tribulation

Cape Tribulation beach

Cape Tribulation beach
With a long and leisurely stroll along
the beach, we went back through the dense rainforest foliage from
the beach and found a nice little area for lunch. By this stage the car park was packed full of tourist vehicles, so we were lucky to have arrived when we did. After lunch and packing our day bag back into the car, we went for a few more walks, one to the small
lookout that overlooks
Cape Tribulation. We had the
lookout to ourselves for around 5 minutes before more tourists, like ourselves, to take in the
views of
the beach, and back out to the ranges. Part of the group that arrived at the
lookout was tourists from Italy and some big noise Australians from
Brisbane. Fiona and I did the usual nod of the head to say G’day, and kept to ourselves, while the men from
Brisbane were just to put it bluntly, wankers. One of the Italians was asking the 2 men from
Brisbane various questions about this part of the world in general and some of the comments that they were given were not the type of answers that I would have given to people from overseas. Fiona and I looked at each other in disgust to what they were telling the overseas people, but we kept quite without getting into any debate until a point were the Italian then asked if it was worth the drive further north up to

Small crabs make these balls as they burrow

Fresh water steam emerging from the Rainforest

Cape Tribulation beach

Fresh water stream in the Rainforest

Strangler Fig

Rainforest Boardwalk

Mangrove Root system

Mangrove Root system
The men started raving on not to waste their time in driving that way, claiming is was a whole, nothing to see and they could not wait to see the town in their rear view mirror. That was the final straw for me, and I then got into a debate in front of all these people on the history of the area, the Botanical Gardens, the unreal
views from
Grassy Hill and standing on a spot where
Cook gazed out to sea some 242 years before and so on, and then commented that what one person does not like, others may have a great appeal, to which the Italian tourist gave me a very big smile in a way that this was the true information that he had wanted to hear. Fiona and I then left the
lookout and spoke about the men and how could someone offer such false information when asked by someone from overseas who had a desire to see the town. Back at the car park and we could not believe that the park was now nearly empty of all vehicles that had made this spot their
lunch stop. Even though the drive back to the
Daintree ferry site is no longer that around 45 minutes to drive, we still managed to take over 2 ½ hours, stopping many time and doing many small walks, including the great Marrja Botanical walk which should be a must for any visitor to the
Cape Tribulation area. We now had the road to ourselves and with even very few vehicles coming from the other direction. Being now late in the day and
well after 4pm, we could not believe it when we came to the
sign on the road advising that the ferry site was 200 metres and there were dozens of vehicles in front of us waiting to cross on the ferry. We then had to wait for over half an hour before we were back over the other side of the
Daintree River and heading back south to
Cairns, arriving back in
Cairns just before 7pm and again it was a fun packed day.

Old Wooden Bridge

Crocodile Warning Sign

Thornton Beach

Cooper Creek - Tropical style

The Cooper Creek

Cooper Creek Bridge
This morning we had a bit of a sleep in after a few very busy on the go few previous days. Today we planned on doing the Tablelands drive, so we left
Cairns and for something different, headed down to
Gordonvale before taking the Gilles Highway up through the very slow and winding road to our first main stop,
Lake Barrine. After a look around the
lake and the small walk to see the two old and tall 45 metre Kauris, we were amazed to see two English tourists drive into the
lake for a swim. Even though the day was mild, I would have thought that the water would have been quite cool. From here we took more back roads to our intended
lunch stop,
Lake Eacham. The down side of arriving at a pretty spot like this near lunch time showed just how popular this spot was for locals and tourist alike. We managed to find a small
parking spot and lunch on the
well-manicured lawns and gardens. After lunch we did the tourist thing of walking around the
lake on the
well constructed paths, with
Parndana’s Trees offering full shade and forming a complete canopy over the pathway. We could have spent all day here, but this was not to be the case, as we still had a lot more to see before the days end. We now headed for
Malanda and head straight for the Falls. Arriving at the car park and making our way down
the steps towards the waterfall, it is hard to imagine the volume of water that would have been passing through this narrow section of the river when you see the height of the 1967 flood lever, high on the
shelter well above the actual river floor below. Again there were a couple of
young girls swimming and they must have been crazy, as when I asked them if the water was cool they replies that it was freezing. After a few photos, we then headed over more back roads to the
Curtain Fig Tree.

View from Gillies Highway

Gillies Highway

Roadside Art

Brave swimmers in Lake Barrine

Fiona at one of the Giant Kauris Trees

Lake Eacham

Lake Eacham Walk

Shelter Shed at Malanda Falls

Malanda Falls
Unlike our last visit to the area many years ago, large boardwalks have been constructed to minimize the impact of thousands of tourists that visit this special place each year. Even though it was not wet, the moist environment made the boardwalk a little slippery in
places and we could imagine what it would be like on a wet day. From here it was on to Tinaroo
Dam and then further north to
Mareeba, before heading back to
Kuranda and down to
Cairns. Today was another great day and with the weather the way that it was, we could quite easy call
Cairns home at this time of the year.

Tree Kangaroo Sign

Curtain Fig Tree sign

Curtain Fig Tree

Curtain Fig Tree

The Boulders

Fast flowing water at The Boulders
The screech of the fruit bats from the trees out on the main road woke me this morning, letting us know that it was time to get out of bed and contemplate on what we would do today. Browsing the maps over breakfast out on
the balcony, we decided that we would again head south and see the changes down at
Mission Beach. Heading south down the Bruce Highway, our first stop for the morning was at the Boulders, west of the small town of
Babinda. Being early in the day, there was only one other car in the
carpark, so we had the place to ourselves before a small mini bus pulled up with overseas tourists. Again the water was so clear and today no one was going to try their luck with a swim, as it would have been quite cool. The large still pond in the car park area soon changes to a raging torrent as you walk along the path towards the lookouts. It would be another great experience to see this area in the wet season and the force of the flow of water would be deafening. Walking back to the
carpark, the mini bus people were now cooking a late breakfast of bacon and eggs and the smell of the cooking was very mouth watering. We now headed for Josephine Fall further south from
Babinda and passed changing fields of sugar cane and then into Banana Plantations before arriving at the
carpark and another enjoyable
rainforest walk. After viewing the waterfalls, we then headed further south down the Bruce Highway and decided that we would have lunch at the Golden Gumboot in
Tully. Before heading to
Mission Beach, I now had another mission to accomplish, a Degree Confluence less than 10 kilometres away and being so close, there was no way that I could let this one slip by.

Queensland's highest mountain

Josephine Falls

Crops of Bananas nearly ready

These bananas were ready to be harvested

Tully's Golden Gumboot

Display at the Tully Sugar Mills
Heading out on the
Tully Heads Road, we soon arrived at
the spot and went to ask permission from the property owners, but no one was
home. We tried to do the right thing anyway and then drove down a small track between large crops of sugar cane. I tried to squeeze me way through the dense cane, but there was no way that I could get through to the exact point with cutting myself or even worse, coming in contact with a snake, so this was to be my first Confluence visit that I could only get as close as 14 metres and not get those perfect all zeros on the GPS, bugger. Retracing our track, we were soon back out on the main highway and heading towards
Mission Beach and all of a sudden, a Cassowary emerged from the dense roadside vegetation. Bringing the cart to a very sudden stop, we then sat on the side of the road for around five minutes observing this usually very shy and endangered bird. It was not long before other vehicles came along and most did the same as us, stopping, taking photos and then heading off again. Like all parts of northern Queensland,
Mission Beach has not escaped the intrusion of people looking for a good life style and it was not the place that we once knew and long gone was the dense rainforest drive and canopy as we headed for
Bingil Bay. It was still early in the day, so instead of heading straight back up the main Bruce Highway to
Cairns, we detoured just out of
Innisfail an headed out on the Palmerston Highway, rechecking road conditions for our intended drive the next day.

Tully Sugar Mills

GPS Reading near the Confluence

This track took us to the Confluence

This Sugar Cane was impossible to penetrate

Fiona and I as close as we could get to the Confluence

Wild Cassowary

Dunk Island from Mission Beach

Family activities along Mission Beach

Small Country back road in the hinterlands
No drive along this section of road would be complete without doing the Waterfall Circuit, which took us to Ellinjaa, Zillie and
Millaa Millaa Falls, a must do drive when in this area. From here it was back on roads that we had travelled a number of time over in the last few day, through
Atherton, before turning off again at
Mareeba and down to
Cairns. We went to bed early that night, as we had a very early start the next morning for our 10.30am pre booked tour.

Ellinjaa Falls

Zillie Falls

Millaa Millaa Falls
The alarm went of at 3.30am and this was one morning that I could have easily turned it off and gone back to sleep. We seemed to drag our feet that morning and we were on the road by 5.20am. The only other traffic on the road at that time of the morning in
Cairns was either Taxis, or security night watch vehicles and we were soon leaving the last of the traffic lights and out on the main road heading south. It was quite eerie at time driving down the highway, as the road would be engulfed in thick fog and then clear again in the lower sections of the highway. We were soon travelling along the very same Palmerstone Highway that we were on just 14 hours previous, but this time not making any tourist stops. It looked very quaint as we passed through Innot Hot Springs, with mist coming from the creek in the cool morning air. We stopped for an early morning smoko and wee stop in a
parking bay within the Forty Mile Scrub and were back on the road again and arrived at our intended destination of the Undara Lodge by just after 9.15am. The smell of early morning campfires from the
camping area was a very welcome smell and we walked around the area with ample time to
check the place out before the 10.30am tour that we had pre booked a number of days before.

Undarra Reception

Fiona loves her coffee

All tours start from here

Before we head down to the Lava Tubes

A perfect tunnel

Explaining how the Lava Tubes were formed

Undarra Lava Tube

Entering another Lava Tube

Small Bat in one of the Lava Tubes

Undarra Lava Tube

Reflections from a flooded Lava Tube

Heading back to the bus

Millstream Falls

Windy Hill Wind farm
Being on private property and then National Parks, the only way that anyone can visit these caves is by a guided tour that leaves from the Undara Lodge reception area. The main disappointment was the main larger
cave was underwater, so we could only view it from the opening. The tour went very quick and the
camping area was very inviting and we could have easily spent more time here, but we had a long drive back to
Cairns. After lunch in the
carpark, we slowly made our way back to
Cairns, stopping a number of times along the way to investigates attractions that we never had time to see on the drive out, including the
Millstream Falls, which are claimed to be Australians widest single drop falls. When we arrived at
Ravenshoe, we turned off and came back again via
Atherton and
Mareeba. What a day we had and more great scenery and more perfect weather.
No alarm today, but as usual in holiday mode, we were still up early to make the most of our most enjoyable stay in Tropical Queensland. With our scheduled cruise on the
Daintree River at 11.30am, we still managed to be on the road by 9am and had a very leisurely drive up the Captain
Cook Highway, stopping many times along the way. Arriving up in
Daintree by 11am and paying for the Cruise, the lady said that id we did not see any Crocodiles, we could do the next cruise for free, with a big smile on her face, as if she knew something that we did not know. Our tour guide was very informative and not to be disappointed, there were quite a few crocodiles on the banks of the
Daintree River, ranging in size from new hatchlings of around 30cm in size, right up to the very big ‘Scare Face’,
well over 4metres in length. He was the dominant male in this section of the River, while the younger and smaller ‘Agro’ was keeping his distance from the larger and powerful Scare Face. The guide said that one day they expect to see either Agro either gone or dead, as Scare Face does not tolerate any other male Crocodiles in his territory and once killed a larger and older male crocodile to claim this as his section of river as his territory.

Magpie Geese on the Daintree River

Some of the Tour boats that cruise the Daintree River

Our first wild Daintree River Crocodile

Green Tree Ant Nest

Argo's Days are numbered on the Daintree

Scare Face does not tolerate any male intruders

Fiona enjoying the Daintree River Cruise

Daintree River Scenery

Ardea alba

Memorial to Japanese Air Raid during World War 11

The Field where the bomb landed

Mossman Sugar Mill first day of Crushing for 2012 Season
With the cruise complete and very happy that we had taken the time to drive back up to
Daintree, we heading back towards
Mossman, again making a number of detour stops along the way. No visit to
Mossman would be complete without a visit to the attractive
Mossman Gorge. It was now very early afternoon and cars were lined up either side of the road within 200 metre of the main
Gorge Carpark. There were lots of people along the walk and there were even a few people that were brave enough to have a swim in the main swimming section of the river. Driving back along the coast road we had very mixed feeling, as this was the second to last day that we had the hire car that had to be returned by 10am the day after. It did not matter how many times that we had driven this section of iconic Australian coastline, we never tired of the vivid aqua blue of the Coral Sea, flanked by the towering ranges of the Great Divide Range.

Walkway at Mossman Gorge

Mossman Gorge

Rex Creek Suspension Bridge

Mossman Gorge Vegetation

Setting Sun over the Coral Sea
The following morning we had a sleep in, as to be fair, Fiona wanted to do lots of shopping at the
Cairns DFO. The day went very quick and when we returned to the apartment, we decided to take the car back that night, as we could not really do a lot before 10am. After tea that night, we took the car back at 7 am and then had an enjoyable walk back to our accommodation. We made the most of a sleep in on our last free day, knowing that we had a very early start the following day. Seeing that the apartment was very close to all the main features right in the heart of
Cairns, we spent a few hours walking around the town and as we were walking along the Marina, were noticed a
sign for the Crocodile
Farm tour and cruise, which would leave in half an hours time. Without any hesitation, we went straight into the booking terminal and booked two tickets. The Bus trip out to the crocodile
farm was great, with the driver very knowledgeable on the area and any question the we asked, he would give us a very in depth response. The only way that anyone can view the crocodile
farm is by this tour and the main gates were locked to keep the general public out. It was not long before we could see the giants sunning themselves in the shallow water and on the banks of the creek that passes through the
farm. After a very informative tour of this breeding
farm, we then boarded the cruise boat that took us back to the
Cairns Marina. During the cruise back, we detoured up a few small creeks and to top the tours off, we were again rewarded again with more wild crocodiles, all within a few kilometres from the heart of
Cairns. After the cruise, we had a nice walk back along the main
Cairns waterfront and we knew that within 24 hours, we would be back
home, over 3500 kilometres away and more that 15 degrees cooler. Next morning the alarm was off at 3am and by 5am, we were inside the
Cairns Airport and ready to board our plane and to be flown
home back to
Adelaide Airport via a short stop over in
Sydney. I have to admit it myself, but even if it was not our usual
bush camping four wheel drive holiday, it will be one type of holiday that we hope to do again soon and it will not be another 24 years before we again return to
Cairns and Tropical Far North Queensland.

Marina Boardwalk

Cane Harvest in full swing

Cairns Crocodile Breeding Park

Smile for the Camera

Pair of Breeding Adult Crocodiles

Getting up close to the Crocodiles

Pens of young crocodiles

The young crocodiles are fed on frozen chicken blocks

Our transport back to Cairns

A perfect way to end our last day in Cairns

Wild crocodile amongst the mangroves

Old Sydney Ferry at the end of its life

Navy Boats lined up at the Sugar Terminal

Cairns Marina

Main Town walk along the foreshore

Unreal views From Grassy Hill Lookout
Did I mention some of the special plants and flowers that we were able to see, without going out of our way? Not being real familiar with tropical plants, I have given it my best to identify as many of the plants as possible. If you know any of the ones that I was not able to put names to, please offer your help.

Unknown Plant Flower

Mimosa diplotricha

Coconut Palms on the beach

Hairy Red Pittosporum

Fan Palm

Rainforest Native Plant

Centrosema molle

Unknown Flower

Cycas media

Cycas media

Asplenium australasicum

Fig Tree Fruit

Balanophora fungosa

Rainforest wildflower

Scrub Breadfruit

Scrub Breadfruit

Rainforest Plant

Beach Pandanus fruit

Beach Pandanus fruit

Small little flower near the beach

Gympi Gympi

Alpinia caerulea

Colourful Grass

On Rainforest Floor

Unusual Flower

A closer look inside the flower

Rainforest Moss

Calasus moti

Hairy Red Pittosporum

Another Type of Moss