What communications will work for you on your travels?

Monday, Feb 16, 2015 at 13:47


A regular question on this forum is about choosing the right communications for your travel plans. When do you need a satellite phone? What other options are available?

This eBook reveals all the ‘Must Know’ secrets that are so hard to learn without learning some expensive lessons on the way… Ask yourself these questions.

1. Is your phone the right one to take on the road? You will be surprised at the real answer.

2. Do you know how to get on the internet when there seemingly ISN'T any internet reception? This book shows you how to do it.

3. Do you know how to protect and share all your photos, eBooks and important files between your tablet, smartphone and laptop? This book explains how.

These and far more are fully answered in this book... and it’s written in our simple, easy to understand language.

Grant Nielsen has just released the latest edition of an electronic publication outlining all you need to know to choose and get the best reception from your communication equipment. This is a must-have book for all doing the big lap, going into remote areas, or going fishing in the far north of the country.

If you are on Facebook, please share the post about this e-book. It may even save a life with the right communications when most needed. Share Staying in Touch on the Road on Facebook.

The expanded e-book covers

Basic phones, Smartphones and Tablets
Laptops, Modems and Internet
Remote Satellite and safety devices
Data Safety and Backup Options
Video, VoIP, Chat and Social Media
Managing Photos and Videos
Creating Easy Websites and Blogs
and much more, including remote accessing your home computer, must-have apps, programs and websites.

Read more about this and download your copy from Staying in Touch on the Road

While the first edition was free of charge and a donation to the RFDS requested, this second edition has a download cost of $9.97, which includes a donation to the RFDS.

Where will your phone network give you reception? Check out the coverage maps and more on Communications and look closely as the coloured reception patches turn to lace. You may not have reception when you most need it.

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