Travel to Bruny Island and the afternoon looking around the North.

Friday, Mar 14, 2014 at 15:00


The trip today was to travel to Bruny Island and set up camp. The road from Huon to Bruny via Cygnet and Kettering was just like we have become used to, with lots of twists and turns. The traffic was light and we made good time. We arrived at Kettering at about 10 am and were the first in line for the Ferry with about an hour to wait for the next run. They line up the caravans, trucks etc in lane 4 as we have to go in the lower deck and the cars, vans etc are in lanes 1 to 3. After filling up the top deck with cars etc, they changed to ramps and started loading the bottom deck with what was left including us. The trip was reasonably quick and we were soon unloaded and heading for the caravan park on South Bruny. The welcome at the Park was friendly and we were soon set up. In the afternoon we decided to tour North Bruny as there was less to see and that would leave tomorrow free for the planned boat trip.
We travelled to the northern end of North Bruny, stopping at the "Neck Lookout which gives almost a 360 degree view of the surrounding areas. Next we did a loop through Killora. The scenery was beautiful with many areas to look out over the water. On the way back we stopped at the Cheese place and then the Berry farm for ice cream. The cheese place lets you try the various types they make and then buy what you like.

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