New to the ExplorOz Shop in 2016

Friday, May 20, 2016 at 15:54


As we're now heading into the peak Outback travel season we thought we'd provide you with a summary of both new products and editons that have arrived in the shop so far this year, all hand picked to make your travels easier, more comfortable and enjoyable. Have any questions? Contact us for further product information/advice.

Highways & Backroads WA

A new edition of the popular Highways & Backroads title arrived at the beginning of the year. This map book covers all of WA at the 1:1million scale (and is produced there too), and is a great resource for anyone travelling through the state, especially if you own a caravan, motorhome or camper trailer and want to find some acessible yet out of the way spots.

Outback Traveller Guides - New Titles

Next up, we announced some new Outback Travellers Guides: Gulf Savannah Country & Tibooburra to Mount Isa. These handy map books are a must have visual reference for anyone travelling in the outback, and have been extremely popular with the ExplorOz Audience. Looking for a trip ideas? Both titles together detail a great winter escape starting in Tibooburra and ending at Mataranka.

Best Desert & Savannah Tracks - Atlas & Guide

Another new and very useful travel reference recently added to the shop is the Best Desert & Savannah Tracks - Atlas & Guide from well know authors Len Zell and Ian Glover. This is a tremendous resource for anyone traveling to these areas, providing a deeper understanding of the terrain as well as the flora and fauna found in these regions.

Camping Gear

In an exciting development this year for the shop, we have moved further into the camping gear category offering excellent savings to members on some popular products and brands.

A standout performer in this category has been the Campfire Compact Espresso Maker, for the perfect cup of coffee no matter where you are. In addition we have 4WD Mats (self inflating mattresses), Sleeping Bags, Vacuum Sealers and compatible accessories, a portable "Bush BBQ" & Camp Oven, as well as comfy Camp Chairs. Some of these items are available as special limited deals, so don't miss out, see the products featured below:

Pacsafe Range

Finally, we were very pleased to become a retailer of the Pacsafe product range; a brand developed by two Australian travellers to help keep your belongings safe no matter where you may be. These items are essentials for frequent travellers, particularly the portable safes which give an extra level of protection to your private documents and expensive electronics, check out the products selected for ExplorOz'ers below:

Online Shop- Adele
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