Become a Part of the ExplorOz Members' Community

Wednesday, Dec 23, 2015 at 13:23


ExplorOz offers a wide range members' only features to help inform, record, and enrich your travels, with innovative online tools that continue to be developed. If you're not a financial member yet, why not give yourself the gift of joining a vibrant community of travellers, and gain access to:

Member Profile

Be Found in the Member's List
Your Member Profile displays all of the contributions that you have made to various areas of the site (such as Blogs, EOTrackMe tracking, User Treks, Places, Classifieds Ads and More), as well as allows you to publish a profile picture and forum signature that will be displayed when you post in the forum. You can also upload additional pictures as needed. This is essentially your own web-page for cataloguing all of your activities as you travel, and is a great way to keep friends and family up to date on your trip. You can also control various privacy settings via the Edit Member Profile section.

Online Tracking

[Image not found]Display Your Route with EOTrackMe
EOTrackMe is an member tracking facility that receives and displays tracking data from compatible devices. Tracking is displayed on the EOTrackMe page, as well as in your Member Profile, so you can keep friends, family, and other members informed of your travels.You can also periodically save your tracking data as User Treks, simply save when needed and give your Trek a title e.g. “Simpson Desert Crossing 2012”. No matter how large or small the trip, you can save your tracking at any time in a way that makes sense to you (for example to correspond with your ExplorOz Blogs). The EOTrackMe system accepts tracking from an array of different devices (additional accessories/software may be required), these include: iPhone, iPad, Android Phone or Tablet, Windows Tablet or Notebook & SPOT Satellite Messengers. To find out more, go to the EOTrackMe Page, all details are listed in the Documentation section.


Document Your Journey Here
The ExplorOz Blogs section allows you to record your trip, your way. Simply write entries in whatever way you want (by day, week, area etc), and embed photos, files or User Treks as needed. Blogs are then linked back to your Member Profile to provide a record of your projects and travels.


Sell Your Gear Here
ExplorOz Members have access to unlimited free Display Ads (valued at $19.95) to sell your second-hand/no longer needed items, sell anything from a tent to a vehicle or caravan quickly and easily using the Classifieds system. Display Ads include 1x image and up to 2000 characters of text, or if you want more, you can purchase a Premium Ad for only $10 (normally $29.95) and get 7x images and 7000 characters of text. If you have a few items to sell you will quickly recoup the cost of membership just by using your free/discounted ads!

Forum, Member Messaging & Trips/Gatherings

Interact with the ExplorOz Community
When posting in the Forum, your signature will display a picture and signature as input into your profile, as well as links to your profile page, Member Message, and any current Classifieds ads you have submitted. ExplorOz Members can directly send messages to each other via our Member Message system and can also create Trips/Gatherings to arrange travel with other members.

Additional Discounts and Free Downloads

All ExplorOz Members receive at least 5% off every item in the ExplorOz Online Shop. You will also receive free delivery on any order over $150 in product value. In addition to this, you also have access to free downloads of data from the ExplorOz Treks, User Treks and Places systems for use in compatible GPS/Navigation Software - an invaluable resource when travelling.

How to Join

[Image not found]Purchase Membership in the Shop
Membership can be purchased for 12 months for only $49.95 for the first year (and $29.95 for renewals if you renew before the due date). Or, you can join as a Lifetime Member for only $299.95 ($249.95 to upgrade to Lifetime if you are a current member) - Lifetime Membership purchases also come with a bonus merchandise pack valued at over $50.

Join as a Personal Member (12 Months)

Join as a Lifetime Member

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BlogID: 7101
Views: 3879

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