A Safer Trip - How to Prevent and Deal with Risks on the Road

Wednesday, Nov 25, 2015 at 15:51


The use of equipment that prevents risk, or minimises further problems once a hazard has occurred, is vital to ensuring that you remain as safe as possible while travelling. The ExplorOz Shop stocks a wide range of products to assist you in this, and we have put together an easy guide to help you determine which products are applicable to you:

Accident Prevention

Make your Presence Known with ExplorOz Sandflag Kits
Sandflags are essential when driving in dunes, as well as on tracks with sharp crests. They are also a legal requirement when travelling in the Simpson Desert. A range of Sandflag Kits with an exclusive additional ExplorOz Sandflag are available to suit your vehicle set-up, and are priced from $119.95 ($113.95 for Members).

Stopped or in the Bush? Be Seen with Eflare Safety Beacons
Safety in a flash - Eflare LED Emergency Safety Beacons are extremely effective warning lights for 4 wheel drive, caravan and hiking enthusiasts. Based on the beacon used by all Australian Police Forces and Emergency Services the EF350 is ATEX accredited, can be seen for over 1 kilometre at night and has a battery life of over 30 hours. The EFLARE EF350 is suitable for a variety of uses including breakdown alert, vehicle marking and personal marking.
Tough and durable every vehicle should carry at least 1 EFLARE EF350 Emergency Beacon in their kit. Available for $44.95 ($42.70 for Members). Also available is the compatibleBlack Rubber Base.

Don't get Bogged - Use 4x4 Equip Tyre Deflators
By partially deflating your vehicles tyres to a pre-determined pressure the footprint of your vehicle is increased significantly. The benefits of this include; improved traction and reduced wheelspin, reduced ground pressure to increase flotation in sand and mud, reduction in punctures from sharp rocks and stakes, and reduced road damage on soft surfaces.
Available in two different pressure ranges from $119.95 ($113.95 for Members).

Use 15 Amp Caravans/Appliances Safely with Amfibian
AMPFIBIAN safely and legally connects your 15A device (RV, caravan, welder, compressor, etc.) to any 10A domestic power socket. AMPFIBIAN automatically trips at 10A if the power outlet becomes overloaded, protecting your 10A power supply. It additionally protects you against electric shock using a Residual Current Device (RCD). Two purchasing options (one for indoor only and one for indoor/outdoor use) are available, and are priced from $89.00 ($84.55 for Members).

Outback Survival & First Aid

Learn about Outback Survival and be Prepared with Bob Cooper Outback Survival Products
With a compact yet comprehensive Survival Kit, Survival Kit Manual, Outback Survival Guide Book, and Snake Bite and Venomous Creatures Kit, Bob Cooper has you covered for when things may not go as planned. Already used by Pilots, Government Agencies, Mining Companies and the Australian Defence Force, these products are an extra degree of security when travelling in remote areas. The range is available from $21.95 ($20.85 for Members).

Patch Yourself Up with Equip First Aid Products
In the event of an injury, the Equip range will ensure you can treat the issue until you are able to reach medical assistance (if needed). With a well stocked First Aid Kit and accessories such as the Space Blanket for preventing/treating hypothermia and Curved Irrigation Syringe for wound treatment, these items are a must have before embarking on any trip. Available from $0.50 ($0.48 for Members)

Prevent the Sting or Itch with Bite Away - Insect Bite Healer
Insects are one of the more unpleasant, but unavoidable creatures encountered when travelling/spending time outdoors, but if you do happen to be stung or bitten - the Bite Away is a must-have. Bite Away is a safe, easy and effective way to overcome the pain and irritation of bites and stings by denaturing the proteins and toxins that have been delivered. It is a compact, pocket-sized medical device which is completely safe for everyone, including children and pregnant women, and also assists in faster healing. Available for $59.95 ($56.95 for Members).

SOS/Emergency Communications

We have a number of communications devices available to assist you in obtaining help in the event of an emergency please see our Communications on the Road Blog for further information.
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