What's Your Outback Survival Story? Tell Us & Win

Wednesday, Nov 14, 2012 at 18:19


Have you come through a perilous situation in a remote area of Australia?

Tell us your amazing story of outback survival and you could win a copy of the newly released book Outback Survival, personally signed by the author, the legendary Bob Cooper. Get creative, tell us the whole story because there can only be one winner – and only the best entry wins! (As judged by the ExplorOz/I.T Beyond staff).

Write your story as a comment to this blog before 5pm (system time) Friday 16th November, comments can be made by both Visitors and Members, so everyone has a chance to enter.

The winner will be announced on Monday 19th November.

For more practical tips about coping with emergencies while travelling, you can also read our Outback Survival Article.

*UPDATE - Thanks for your entries, this competition is now closed. The winner will be announced on Monday 19/11.

*UPDATE - Thank you to everyone who entered. An honourable mention goes to Bob Y.- Qld for his entry The Long March. Bob - we're sending out some ExplorOz goodies to you today. And the winner is... Member - Terra'Mer, whose story demonstrated what can happen when a plan goes wrong. Terra, we'll contact you regarding the dispatch of your prize.
Online Shop- Adele
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