IMPORTANT!! When travelling with pets or kids in WA.

Saturday, Jun 18, 2011 at 13:36


I am writing this blog in the hope that it prevents at least one fellow traveller suffering the same heart ache that my wife and i have just gone through.
We are regular travellers to the pilbara and gascoyne regions and always travel with our pets. They are our kids! We are always actively aware of areas where dog baits are used and try to avoid them as much as possible. You have to when you own a Jack Russell! But sunday week ago myself and a mate were witness to the effects of 1080 poison, and let me tell you this sight would bring the biggest and toughest of men to their knees. The 2hr horror story started at about 9pm and ended about 11pm when i had to put my bestest little mate to sleep using a blunt intrument. The pain and agony that the animal goes through is inhumane. Most of you would think 'What were we doing in an area with baits?' We weren't, we saw signs on the Sanstone road just out of Paynes Find and turned back and took a different root. We stopped 20km's north of Paynes Find just off the edge of the road, unknown to us that the station that owned the land near by, used baits regularly but on their own property. Further investigation led us to understand that the baits are moved by other animals and can be bought to the edge of the road. Fences up there are pretty open. We are not blaming anyone for our misfortune but just so you understand that your pet only has to lick the bait and it can be all over in a couple of hours. Treatment is days in hospital and your pet is never the same again. It can also harm little kids if they touch it then put their hands in their mouth. So please i urge you all to be extra vigilant as baits have been increase significantly over the last 6 months due to an over population of wild dogs and dingoes in the outback. I would hate for anyone to have to witness what i did. It is horriffic. Take care travelling.
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