This morning we saw a powerful owl with possum in his claws when we were bushwalking close to our
home near Kings Point.
powerful owl with possum
It is our first sighting in many months and we were starting to believe that he may have moved to a new territory.
In the past we had seen him with various animals hanging from his claws, among these were rabbits and possums but I had not taken any photos at these times.
This afternoon we returned with the camera with the 100 - 300 mm lens and I and managed to take some photos which I am quite pleased with after a bit of editing, considering he was sitting quite a distance up in the branches of a turpentine tree above the track.
powerful owl with possum 15.9.10
powerful owl
powerful owl
powerful owl 10.2.09
And here are a couple of photographs I took about 18 months ago of the same owl without the possum.