Camp Shower
Submitted: Sunday, Feb 07, 2010 at 16:38
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Member - evren1 (WA)
Well, it's time to get serious about a shower as our round OZ trip draws closer. We use the trusty old solar shower, but the sun don't shine 24/7 and we are bound to cop some bad weather here and there on our trip.
After some deliberation and a family vote, mum voted for the under bonnet set up and the boy and I put our hands up for the Rainman shower. Blokes win 2 to 1.
Who's using the Rainman
camp shower, can you give me some
feedback on it's performance/reliability please.
As it is a pump action device, has anyone had dramas having to replace any internal bits and pieces. I know spares can be purchased.
The various heating methods and not having to be bound to the fourby as with under bonnet jobs is the winner for me! They state you get a good shower for 2 people! is this true from peoples experience.
Reply By: Best Off Road - Sunday, Feb 07, 2010 at 20:46
Sunday, Feb 07, 2010 at 20:46
I can only echo some of the comments above.
We've been through the gadget thing. Our Coleman HWS stays at
home these days. I've considered the pump up weed sprayer with a rose attached but discounted that as
These days it's a bucket with some cold water in it, add a kettle of boiling water until the desired temperature is reached. We then take the bucket into the pop up shower tent and sit on the porta dunny (that's one gadget we will never do without) and use a flannel or a tea cup to pour the warm water over the body.
When all is said and done, it's just a way to get soap and water over the body.
Reply By: briann532 - Sunday, Feb 07, 2010 at 22:08
Sunday, Feb 07, 2010 at 22:08
Evan, I have used a multitude of devices over the years, but these days nothing beats a 12volt boat bilge pump ($20 at your local boating outlet) attached to some hose with a cheap $2 shower head from Bunnings.
Wire up a switch, taped to the hose somewhere near the showerhead and plug into the car, camper or portable powerpack.
I also echo the sentiments of of putting the hot water in a bucket and carrying to tree, shower tent, or a la naturale'.
We use a 7 litre bucket and the boss can wash her hair with it. 7 litres usually does me and one of the offspring too. Although she is now old enough to reach the hose, and boy does it hurt so we won't be showering together anymore..........................
Reply By: Inland Sailor - Monday, Feb 08, 2010 at 11:56
Monday, Feb 08, 2010 at 11:56
A mate of
mine has a Rainman and I've had the pleasure of using his.
It is easy to use, especially if you have a S.S. bucket of hot water on the go on the campfire.
A 1:1 bucket ratio [1 boiling-1 cold] fills it to the right temp, as shown by the gauge on the side. Three dirty blokes can get a 3 min shower out of each fill.
We're of at
Easter for a trip to the West and through the Kimberly's and it was the first thing I asked about taking with us.