Conqueror UEV490
Submitted: Wednesday, Oct 10, 2012 at 21:30
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takenbyaliens (QLD member)
Hi fellow members!
Long time no speak from this!!! OK so I am about to commit to a Conqueror UEV490 Extreme optioned up a bit...big $ !! I am looking for: (a)
feedback from fellow members who might have one (b) options for the webasto diesel hot water system that is priced at around $ to be genuinely cheaper and as efficient systems out there...Duetto 12/240 system?? anyone got one of these??
Just done a great trip 'out there' of
places we stopped at on our way was Killcowera Station just west of and backing onto
Currawinya. Really good ( no relative, business associate etc etc ) if you are bird watchers like us!
OK hear from anyone....all help and advice really appreciated!!
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Reply By: DaveO*ST-R - Thursday, Oct 11, 2012 at 08:47
Thursday, Oct 11, 2012 at 08:47
A mate has the UEV 310? and (being a different setup to the 490) had a few issues with dust ingress and some other niggly problems etc but to Conqueror's credit, they are apparently going all out to fix them up.
Spoke to a couple with a UEV 490 at the
Jardine Ferry recently on a trip to the Cape and they sang its praises. Although expensive, they were happy with their purchase. They showed us through all the bits and pieces and not one skerrick of dust had made its way past the seals on any of the doors and/or hatches. I was quite amazed, considering the dirt and dust of the PDR. Can't help you with (b) though.