Frustrating project... Arkana Cruiser
Submitted: Friday, Sep 14, 2012 at 15:47
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Member - Royce
Hi all.... for years I drove my trusty Arkana Landcruiser all over Oz...
The motor died and SWMO and my mechanic at the time convinced me to put it up for sale. Another member bought her and took her north.
I pined for a couple of years and when the opportunity arose I bought her back. Silly me. So much rust! Lots of goodies stripped.
And of course when faced with registration various compliance issues arose. I've spent a good deal of money working towards the reinstatement but really need a professional to take on the final works and compliance issues.
I need a business in Eastern Vic , Gippsland to take her on. Any suggestions?

Reply By: Member - Serendipity(WA) - Sunday, Sep 16, 2012 at 09:33
Sunday, Sep 16, 2012 at 09:33
You have a big project there. Is that a 1985 /86 HJ cruiser converted by Arkarna in Balcatta WA. (I think they are closed now).
What sort of things do you need done? Here is a few things you might need to fix up the old girl to keep up with the new stuff.
With the HJ you will always be underpowered. Best upgrade is the 12ht turbo motor which will bolt straight in. But you must get the 12ht gear box to match up - different bearing setup.
Your rear hubs will always break those 6 axle studs. Best upgrade is the newer hubs that come with 8mm studs instead of the 6mm ones.
Your weight means it will always hang and you could put heavier leaves or added air bags but best upgrade is added coils like these ones.
Sorry can't help with eastern states workshop but there are some here in WA that have taken over what Arkana used to do.
Follow Up By: Member - Royce- Sunday, Sep 16, 2012 at 13:02
Sunday, Sep 16, 2012 at 13:02
Thanks for the repyly Serendipity
It's an '88 2H motor
I have already fitted a 1HZ turbo... with gas injection.
Yep.... the rear springs will need doing.
She owes me nearly $20, 000.... damn the sentimentality of these projects.
I have found an engineer in Sale eastern Vic who seems interested in overseeing the project... but will charge $600 just to come out and go over it.
I reckon ... maybe.... if I throw another $10, 000 at it I might get it on the road... Then I still need to fit the interior out.
Or.... just 'get over it' and sell for someone else to go on with.
It is certainly an Arkana... It was used in Loy Yang open cut brown coal
mine here in the
Latrobe Valley.