Rear lights for GU patrol
Submitted: Sunday, Jan 11, 2004 at 09:53
This Thread has been Archived
I am looking to have the upper rear lights in my 2003 GU patrol made so they actually work!! I cannot understand why Nissan didn't have make them operational in the first place. Can anyone tell me where I might get this done? I am in the eastern suburbs of
Melbourne. Local Nissan dealer quoted $280.00. Thanks to everyone for a great
forum and web site.
Reply By: goldfinder - Sunday, Jan 11, 2004 at 10:16
Sunday, Jan 11, 2004 at 10:16
I believe it's to do with the Australian Design Rules. The rear lights must be seen from certain anles at certain distances and the spare wheel mounted on the door breaks these rules so the lights were mounted in the bumper to get around the problem. They should have made the top lights operational as
well for the extra few cents it would have cost unless the ADR's stated the couldn't be operational?
I also have a 2003 GU and am considering hooking up the lights for the extra visibility but will probably look at doing it myself.
Reply By: Member - Ed. C.- Sunday, Jan 11, 2004 at 11:29
Sunday, Jan 11, 2004 at 11:29
At $280 to do this very simple job, you are being skinned alive!!
Push-in globe holders (single & double contact) are available for a few dollars each, & all you need to do is cut the appropriate size hole thru the rear of the light assembly (after removing the unit, of course)... Approx. 22mm from memory...
The wiring for these lights is already there, so with the aid of a circuit tester to find each circuit, you simply splice into the relevant wire, & BINGO!!
I have done this with my '99 model, but as everybody would know, there is no provision for indicators with these (+ only 1 poxy reverse light), & I'd like to "upgrade" to the later Series3 units, so if anyone knows where these are available at a sensible price, I'd like to know about it...
Regards, Ed. C.Confucius say.....
"He who lie underneath automobile with tool in hand............
Not necessarily mechanic!!"
Reply By: crowie - Sunday, Jan 11, 2004 at 12:15
Sunday, Jan 11, 2004 at 12:15
Nissan do have a replacement rear light kit which is probably what you have been quoted for. I did have an email with the part number and you may find it in the archives of this
forum. These are intended as a total replacement for your existing lights which you may be able to sell to someone wishing to fix a damaged vehicle. You can fit the new ones your self or have someone do it for you.
I have always thought it rediculious that Nissan has continued to use the rear bumper to fit the taillights. There are no ADR's to prevent the use of the body mounted lights. I have several friends who have converted to the new ones and they are certainly easier to see particulary the turn indicators if someone is tailgating you.
Follow Up By: crowie - Sunday, Jan 11, 2004 at 12:23
Sunday, Jan 11, 2004 at 12:23
Search in this
forum using "Nissan & Lights" between 01.01.2003 and 30.12.03. You will find some useful information without everyone repeating themselves. It incudes thoughts on fitting and wiring requirements.
Reply By: ROLANDE - Sunday, Jan 11, 2004 at 22:36
Sunday, Jan 11, 2004 at 22:36
From previous threads of those who have completed, believe the flasher can may need upgrading as
well as the fuse to keep working the extra lights, I think it has to do with
hazard lights when all flashing.
Check Nissan_GU_Patrol in Yahoo! Groups, guy there has photo's and all published. Can anyone tell me whether it is as easy as described above on a Series 1 GU? The guy in Yahoo! imported a new set of lights, with wiring, around $500.00