Toyota's win over seas
Submitted: Tuesday, Jun 05, 2012 at 09:58
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Member - Josh
Last week I flew out to Toronto via Abu Dabhi for work. When we landed at Abu Dabhi the first thing I saw out the window was.........
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Every vehicle I saw was a toyota.
Then I flew into Toronto and the first thing I see is.........
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Again, every vehicle was a toyota. I'm not starting the which car is better debate. Was just very interesting that both airports were using toyotas. Between the mines in Oz and what I saw that's a lot of yota's being sold. Even the shuttle bus at Abu Dabhi was a toyota coaster.
I then went to New Jersey and didn't notice anything except the freakin big dodge ram and surburban trucks everywhere (like hiluxes back
home). Some very nice rigs on the road.
Also noticed over here there are motor homes parked in the carparks of some of the major shopping centres. They let them as they figure they will then do their shopping in the store. Not a bad idea. And I'm not talking nus etc.. I'm talking huge,massive, ginormous rigs with every bell and whistle on it.
Oh to dream........
Reply By: Member - Bruce C (NSW) - Tuesday, Jun 05, 2012 at 11:13
Tuesday, Jun 05, 2012 at 11:13
Hi Josh,
Years ago they used to talk about a world car,
well I guess Toyota fill the bill as they can be found in nearly every country on earth I guess.
I've never been out of Australia but every where youi look you see them.
Good machines too.
Camping in
parking lots at shopping centres was one of the things which intrigued the brother when he went to the US to buy his second hand motorhome about 6 or 7 years ago.
They had a months holiday in the motor
home before taking it to California to have it shipped back to Australia.
He said they stopped in a
carpark one night because he was too tired to keep driving and he said when he opened the door of the motorhome the next morning people were lined up outside expecting a cup of coffee. They were homeless people. Apparently they have a converted motorhome as a meals on wheels wagon of sorts to help the homeless.
Brother felt that sorry for them he gave them some money to go buy a cup of coffee. Though from what he says, it is dificult to get a decent cup of coffee in the US,
well the
places he went anyway, and as far as a cup of tea goes, his wife said forget it. She is a
Think the camping in carparks is a good idea but I cannot see it catching on here as you would not want to
camp in some of the town carparks around here where I live, too dangerous.
Cheers, Bruce.
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Follow Up By: Member - Josh- Tuesday, Jun 05, 2012 at 13:22
Tuesday, Jun 05, 2012 at 13:22
Yeah I agree about the coffee, I'm hanging to get back
home and have a decent one.
I can't see the
parking in carparks taking off in oz either. We don't think big picture enough. And none of the motorhomes here would fit in our carparks lol.
Follow Up By: Member - Bruce C (NSW) - Tuesday, Jun 05, 2012 at 14:17
Tuesday, Jun 05, 2012 at 14:17
Yeah, we have a job turning a comodore around in some of our carparks.
They think we still drive 1948 Ford Prefects.
| At home and at ease on a track that I know not and
restless and lost on a track that I know. HL.Lifetime Member My Profile Send Message |