Wish to purchase Shoo Roo
Submitted: Friday, Apr 12, 2002 at 00:00
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Wish to purchase a shoo roo - in
Melbourne suburbs or Geelong area - any ideas or suggestions. Thanks - Jinki
Reply By: Steven P. - Monday, Apr 15, 2002 at 00:00
Monday, Apr 15, 2002 at 00:00
I have used the "whistles" for years, about $10-00 a pair from Motor Accessory shops, don't get the USA ones though, very noisy around town and don't seem to work.(amd annoy my wife, I'm deaf so can't hear them) I have never hit a Roo with one on the vehicle and the galahs and Corellas lift off about 200 metrs earlier. You need to fit the pair though, if a bug blocks one they dont work. Safe travelling, Steven P.
Reply By: DougTT - Monday, Apr 15, 2002 at 00:00
Monday, Apr 15, 2002 at 00:00
We have had a "Shu-Roo" fitted to our Toyota Hi-Lux since we got it new in 1999. We've been to
Darwin twice, and travelled
Gibb River Road in 2001. While there are many sceptics around, and it is not possible to prove that it does work, we have not come even close to hitting a roo or any other animal in over 25,000 kms of travelling through animal-infested areas. Every animal we have ever seen has certainly been aware of our presence, and it gives us some peace-of-mind. Those eagles and things are
well off the ground before we get to them, and emus go bush if the vehicle faces them. Unfortunately you can only prove that they don't work (When you come
home with a roo on your bull-bar).
We live in
Melbourne and had to buy ours through ARB in
Bendigo - we had poor feed-back through some local shops. Its possible that highly educated 4wd drivers may feel too embarassed to admit that they forgot to turn the shu-roo on when they hit a kangaroo (if you believe all they tell you in the shops) We've also got those little whistle_things on our (toy) bull-bar.