Do not wait for tomorrow....cause it may not come :-((

Submitted: Wednesday, Mar 28, 2012 at 19:29
ThreadID: 92849 Views:2514 Replies:11 FollowUps:12
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Many of us who frequent this wonderful web site, are planning to get out there and do it, at some stage soon. Many of us have done it in part, and some of us have done it mostly already, but there is so much more.

Sadly, some of us will never get the chance to fullfill that dream.

A sad reminder today, when a mate who crossed the bar for the final time, all to soon, at 63 years old, didn't get there.

So friends, get out there now and just realise your dreams, and get to see and enjoy what this wonderful country has to offer. After all, a lot of you contributed to what we leave for our younger generation. Enjoy it now.

Tomorrow may be too late.

RIP Bernard... ex RAN (vietnam x 4 trips)
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