Suspension Upgrade

Hi all,
Some of you all knowing travellers will be able to help me (I hope).
We have a 2009 NS Pajero DiD LWB. It has an alloy ECB bar (no winch) dual batteries up front, no draws in rear so no weight in back all of the week( but do carry recovery gear in 3rd row seat well all the time just in case)
The question is :- I want to get a 50mm lift so what springs should I fit front & back. I have purchased a full set of Bilsteins so I now need springs to suit, I was thinking for the FRONT- Kings or Lovells HD & REAR- Kings progressive rate or would Lovell SD and Air bags be better for a softer ride (as we have a Camper Trailer with a ball weight of 80-90kg loaded.
We getaway about once a month for w/k ends with two 4week trips a year. We try and free camp as much as possible, and the rear has a medium load when we travel
All replies greatly appreciated
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