Magdhaba track

Submitted: Friday, Apr 05, 2002 at 00:00
ThreadID: 919 Views:1827 Replies:0 FollowUps:0
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Back on Jan 17 2002, Rob asked about the "Mogadbah" track, which I searched for but had no joy. I didn't see Rob's reply of Jan 29th but quite by accident on the way home from doing the Holland Track coming via Norseman, Lake King, we stumbled on the Magdhaba (bloody close, Rob :) ) track. We didn't have the time to do it but found both ends. It doesn't appear to be anymore than an hour to do if you stop at the sites. One end is Sth of Lake King on the Newdegate-Ravensthorpe Rd and the other on the Old Newdegate Rd. It is part of the Roe Heritage Trail which celebrates the wanderings of Sir John Septimus Roe, the then Surveyor General. Although Roe passed through here in about 1848? it would appear that the name Magdhaba was used in the area sometime after WW1 when the Light Horse fought a battle against the Turkish fortified barracks at Magdhaba. One would assume an old digger settled in the area and a soak is named Magdhaba as well as a farm. Anyway, it's there so anyone passing by who has a spare hour, GO FOR IT and let us know what it is like.
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