Sunday, Feb 05, 2012 at 09:24
Josh, I congratulate you on having the courage to take time while you are
young and do what you have done. You and your family will be the richer for it in ways that money just can't buy.
But you still have plenty of years ahead of you when hopefully you will be in good health and able to earn a good living so that, should you wish to buy a permanent
home, you will be able to take out and repay a mortgage.
Its a rather different situation for Ray and Pam who are in their 60s. Their income earning years are probably behind them and while their health may be good now, what about in 10 years time.
Like others we have certainly spoken to folk who are on the road, (in that they are living in a van or motorhome,) but following an unforseen change in circumstance were not moving far because they couldn't afford to and have no
home to return to. Not a happy situation to be in.
From my retiree aged point of view having a
home base is very important as ones health begins to become a bit less robust. Unfortunately in retirement it is pretty much "all about the money" whether we like it or not.
Pam and Ray dont say how much experience they have with travelling, but if they have not done many longish trips then I would suggest they do so before committing to irrevocable steps. The alternative that has already been suggested is to join the growing band of happy housesitters and travel around that way.
| J and V
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
- Albert Einstein
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