Saturday, Feb 04, 2012 at 17:55
100% agree with Boobook (especially the last line)
When I bought my first HIDs, though I wanted 4300K globes, I got sold 6000K because this is "better, more whiter" and is "recommended" because it is the "most popular"
Well, what a disappointment! I didn't like 'em from the get-go..
Less useable light (IMO) than the 100W halogens, so I reverted back to the halogens...
A little while later, I spotted some 4300K globes (just the globes) at a "good price", and decided to give 'em a go...
In a nutshell, the difference is chalk and cheese (in favour of the 4300Ks by a big margin!)
To be sure, when looking directly at the light, 4300K alongside a 6000K looks decidedly "yellow".. I will add that 100W halogen looks "yellow" alongside a 4300K HID (when looking directly at the light), but that is simply not what it's all about..
It's what you see from the driver's
seat that's the important factor, and (IMO) 4300K wins by a country mile!
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