Tuesday, Jan 31, 2012 at 13:21
Travelled the Great Central in August 2010 for the second time, very corrugated from The Olga's to the WA Border, from there on it was in great condition for 80% of the way to
Laverton, could travel at 80-100 KM an hour if you chose, I always travel about 80 or less and was towing a 3 tonne Caravan.
The council at
Laverton have 2 graders on the road permanently and do a magnificent job of maintaining the road. Bear in mind that it can change dramatically overnight due to weather. If you drive according to the conditions and sensibly you will not have a problem.
Also went up to
Wiluna, tar all the way, then from there to Meekathara, about 20 Km of tar in random stretches, then, rest gravel, good in
places bit rough in others, but again don't be in a hurry. If you want to get there fast, Take The Aeroplane.