Its a bit much ???

Submitted: Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 11:07
ThreadID: 89398 Views:4497 Replies:20 FollowUps:22
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My kids arrived late yesterday at Kidman Camp, the South Bourke caravan park.
They have three children under four years of age.
The have a Jayco Camper.
Went the office to pay this am. A twelve hour stay $45.00. thats $315 a week. May as well go to Bali instead.
So that says I will not be be going back there either. They have frightened me away to.
I have been there many times in the past for some R&R after coming in from the west. Now just memories !
Living is a journey,it depends on where you go !
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Reply By: Member - res.q.guy (Vic.) - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 11:21

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 11:21
Hi Pinko
And then, caravan park owners wonder why we want to bush camp and complain that we do ..... I wonder why !!!!!
AnswerID: 466895

Follow Up By: olcoolone - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 12:25

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 12:25
That maybe why the caravan park owners had to increase their prices.... to many people free loading in free camping areas!

Everyone has the right to make money, where do you think your employer gets the money to pay your?

Running a business has increased dramatically in the last 1 to 2 years more then the cost of living increase most families have seen.

Maybe the land is leased off the council or shire who imposed a 100%+ lease increase.

Maybe the council or shire have placed specific requirements on the caravan park owners that was once undertaken by the council or shire free of charge or new requirement that have cost them tens of $thousands.

Maybe his insurer has increased his premium from $18,000 per year to over $100,000 due to no cause of their own doings.

I have seen community groups who use to pay a $1per year peppercorn lease increase to over $20,000 per year.

What about some of the businesses in Coober Pedy who once paid $9000 per year on electricity all of a sudden increased to over $50,000 per year.

Like all things there is more to a situation then one usually see's or in most cases care to see.

So don't shoot people or businesses down until the whole story is clear and understandable.

FollowupID: 741024

Follow Up By: mikehzz - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 13:08

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 13:08
As a business owner, what you have said is depressingly true unfortunately. I get paid last and's fun being your own boss. Cheers
FollowupID: 741028

Follow Up By: Member - Alan H (QLD) - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 16:15

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 16:15
One of the basic tenaments of market forces is the customers can choose not to pay the price asked.

This is someone exercising their consumer sovereignty.

Anyone free camping is also exercising their choice. They are not shirking any obligation to any business.

Cost is equal to opportunities lost. Attract me to your paid campsite by showing that I am better off than alternative choices.

I usually find that any money "saved" by free camping is usually spent at the bowser, shops for supplies or even attractions. Caravan Parks do not have any God given right to my travel funds and I object strongly to those who try to regulate me into a paid park.

I would choose to dodge the town altogether and move on to an more enlightened one. More than once, a caravan park has convinced me to move on without spending a cent in a particular town.


FollowupID: 741043

Follow Up By: olcoolone - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 18:27

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 18:27
Alan nobody is trying to get you to do anything.... I find it amusing that the ones who complain about high prices are those who demand better conditions and more pay from their employer or they want the company that they have shares and investment with to increase prices and cut staffing levels so they can get a higher divined paid!

"You can't have your cake and eat it, too" ..... but it seems too many want the cake and to eat it too.

So who's willing to drop their wages or dividends paid by 50%..... I didn't think so!

I think most think it's OK to "rip" someone off if it's for their own benefit but when someone "rips" them off it's a different story.
FollowupID: 741065

Follow Up By: Livin On The Road - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 18:34

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 18:34
We always fill up with fuel and buy food, or do tourist activities, etc, or spend money in other businesses in a town. We would not be bringing any money in to the town at all if we had to stay in a caravan park, simply because we wouldn't be able to afford to travel.

I think the issue here is not paying for a site in a caravan park. It is the ridiculous surcharge per head that they charge for children. I see sites advertised for anyway from $18 - $28 for a couple ... these same parks charge anywhere from an extra $5 to $18 per child, and when we have four children it makes it a ludicrous suggestion that we should be paying a surcharge of $20 - $78 in addition to the base charge.

The base charge is usually what we would consider a reasonable amount, and if it were not for the surcharges for children we would have chosen to have a more simple caravan built and have stayed in the caravan park. This surcharge is at almost all caravan parks, even those without amenities for children. It is a different story (in my humble opinion) at those that have extensive equipment for children ... but they are for holiday makers where the caravan park is part of the holiday, not for those who travel long term, simply because it would make longterm travel out of the reach of all but the rich.

By travelling long term, we spend our money in rural and remote communities, and as we stop to work in remote and rural towns we provide needed services often, too (as I am a pharmacist, and he is an electrician, our skills are usually highly valued in these communities). Surely more people suffer in the remote and rural communities than just caravan parks if people were not able to free camp? A free market being what it is, the caravan parks are free to charge what they wish. We are free to choose whether or not to use their product/service. In our case, we don't use it simply because of the ridiculously huge surcharge per child.

As an aside, Yulara charged a fixed rate per family of $35 when we were there. Reasonable and fair, for where it was. We didn't mind paying it.Roxby Downs when we were there charged $30 flat rate for everyone. We didn't mind paying it. $50 or more for one night, without any power, just for a piece of grass? No thank you.
FollowupID: 741067

Follow Up By: Member - res.q.guy (Vic.) - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 22:18

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 22:18
I don’t free load, I am self-contained and choose to “bush camp” most of the time, and only use van parks when I have to.

Alan H
Well said, and true. If van parks gave customers what they want, at a reasonable price, instead of what they want to give us at a higher price, they would attract more people.
We don’t use their swimming pool and spa, jumping pillow, camp kitchen, kid’s playground, games and recreation rooms, tennis courts, mini golf, etc. I don’t even use their hot water for showers, I use my own lpg to heat water, I don’t even use the toilets, just a dump point once a week or so (which some parks don’t have), all of which I pay for, without using, when in a van park.

Livin On The Road
Also well said, and I agree, and sometimes, you don’t even get grass, quite often it’s dirt or gravel, and a lot of the time, a far from level site. You may as well bush camp.

FollowupID: 741088

Follow Up By: OutBack Wanderers - Friday, Oct 07, 2011 at 21:56

Friday, Oct 07, 2011 at 21:56
Olcoolone is correct when he says Councils have upped the ante.

Here in Dungog, all RFS stations are now water-metred, where-as before they were not charged, thats why most have those water tanks installed
How low can you go, charging the RFS for water to put out fires on Council land.

All Dungogs parks and free camp sites have non- handle taps, to stop ppl filling up their water tanks,during the big drought, I would see farmers filling up all their water containers from the park next to William Rivers bridge in Dungog
That was stopped by these special taps. Some filled their tanks using the fire-hose attatched to the toilets.

Others would sneak in at night and fill their tanks on the vacant homes For Sale, the only water-carter had a monopoly on water rights, the nearest at Raymond Terrace, pay his price or do with-out

The info centre had a key you could purchase for o/nite stays to enable to fill with clean water, but you had to be there in business hours or miss out

Don't forget electricity prices, they have gone through the roof, literally, Country Energy customers pay 3 times city dwellers, more for c/van parks and high users of electricity, pools, bbq's, sports fields using arc-lights.

Even the local football teams must pay user monies for electricity, water, what are rates for then?

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FollowupID: 741147

Reply By: Member - John and Lynne - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 11:32

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 11:32
We have found the caravan park in town in Bourke to be excellent - all carefully cleaned and maintained and reasonable charge at last visit a year or so ago anyway. We enjoyed a few days there. We have learnt to always check the cost and size of site BEFORE committing to an unknown CP.
AnswerID: 466896

Reply By: The Landy - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 12:26

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 12:26
What is never clear in these posts is whether it is the absolute cost that is the problem, in this case $45, or is it that you want to have confidence you are being charged a ‘fair’ price, whatever that might be? My point is that at $45 a night the price might be a steal, based on the underlying costs this business owner is faced with, or it might be expensive. What criteria are people applying to make this type of determination?

Much is being said about the cost of staying in parks, but if there is so much money to be made from owning and operating a caravan park why has Australia not seen a boom in new parks given the explosion of RVs and Caravans being sold. In fact you will be hard pressed to find any new Caravan Parks being developed, but plenty being closed.

Price expectations on both sides, both Rv’er & caravanner versus Van Park owner & operators is fast approaching an irrevocable divide in Australia, and this won’t be good for anyone travelling…
AnswerID: 466903

Follow Up By: racinrob - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 13:39

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 13:39
I'm a bush camper and always have been because I prefer it, I like to have a fire and don't have to worry about intruding on others or them me.
I notice the National Park camping area near where I live has just posted it's prices for the coming summer, adults $9 per head, children $7 and a car fee of $11 per night, so that's $43 a night for mum, dad and two kids, basic facilities, no hot water, no fires, no generators and no animals.

VKE237 6678

FollowupID: 741032

Reply By: snoopyone - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 13:05

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 13:05
Stop moaning We paid over $45 for 2 people in some parks in 2009.

After owning a Motel andknowing the costs incurred in this I wouldnt argue with the cost of Van parks as long as they are clean and hospitable.

We went for a year and while it cost a lot we worked on the theory if you are going to do it, Do so and take what you get or dont go.
AnswerID: 466906

Follow Up By: Member -Pinko (NSW) - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 13:41

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 13:41
I'm not moaning but think about it. This is why there has been a massive increase in people NOT retiring because they do not have the 2.5 million tucked away to live on for the next thirty years and those already retired (not age pensioners) have pulled their heads in and instead of having three trips a year only have one trip.
Be rest assured we won't go!
Living is a journey,it depends on where you go !
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FollowupID: 741033

Follow Up By: Member - Jason B (NSW) - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 15:41

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 15:41
When you concider the costs that would be involved in running a park I don't think what they were charged is unreasonable. Your issue seems to be that they were only there for 12 hours. I bet they used all of the facilities, had hot showers, used the camp kitchen to wash up etc etc. I stay at Kidmans when I travel through Bourke and it is always clean and tidy. Imagine all of the additional costs getting supplies etc out there.

As previously stated stop moaning, you have over 100k worth of Truck and trailer in your signature pic surely this cost isn't going to break the bank if you can afford to feed a TD V8 Cruser and drag you camper boat around, then surely you can afford to spread some of your wealth around out back NSW to support the towns and busines's.


FollowupID: 741038

Follow Up By: rossy - Saturday, Oct 08, 2011 at 12:45

Saturday, Oct 08, 2011 at 12:45
Hi Pinky,
I believe we should have the choice in our huge country to bush camp or use a caravan park. I do resent being forced into c/v parks with increasingly less bush camping being available. Australia seems to have more rules and signs every day.
I have traveled extensively both worldwide and around Australia.
I stayed in C/V parks occasionally for a treat but mostly was self sufficient and the trip was more affordable. There were problems, but always solutions. We were two women and a dog traveling. In Broome WA we had to sleep in our car in the street with drunks going past all night because no caravan parks would allow dogs! (how could you not love our Rottweiler Alsatian cross as we did haha) Maybe the movie "Red Dog" will now soften the hearts of c/v park managers in Broome.
We sometimes drove into properties and asked the owners if we could camp the night on their land. Always greeted warmly and accommodated. Thank u Australians.
At times I felt mistreated and cold shouldered by CV park managers who seemed to ironically hate travelers. I only want v basic facilities and want to pay accordingly. Maybe there could be a fee structure for basic/vs up market facilities in the same c/v park depending on your individual needs at the time.
Interestingly most rigs are becoming more self contained, and less bush camping is allowed. Go figure.
"For we are young and free" hum Picture this against how we are being slowly cooked with rules and regulations. Food for thought.
FollowupID: 741185

Follow Up By: Member -Pinko (NSW) - Saturday, Oct 08, 2011 at 14:58

Saturday, Oct 08, 2011 at 14:58
Good points girls.
I do hope when you were in France you did the camping routine. A leased peugeot with navigation, a market umbrella, small tent and some basic gear. The french just love camping travellers.
I met a past owner of the caravan park at Nabiac (since by bypassed by the new Pacific Highway) who was camped behind us at Robuck Bay cv/Park. He had a large portion of his park set aside for in after 4:30 and out 8:00 and no unhitching. He charged a minimal fee and people made a b-line for his place.
Living is a journey,it depends on where you go !
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FollowupID: 741192

Reply By: Member Andys Adventures - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 13:21

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 13:21
Hi Pinko, I think that is a fair price, I take it your children had a Hot shower or two, that's 5 showers at least and a camp site, cheep. Go to any service station and see just what they charge you just for a hot shower, and you might think twice about forking out $45.00.
I live in a caravan park and know that kids stay in showers for 10 min or more or until the hot water runs out. And the adults don't care as they have payed for the shower, how much does it cost you to reheat your hot water tank ???.
So please don't rubbish caravan parks for what they charge. Planing a trip would have made you aware of the cost, as for just 12 hours, you can't blame them for your late arrival, get their early and get value out of your stay, eg: swimming pool, tennis court etc.

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AnswerID: 466908

Reply By: funnyfarm - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 14:59

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 14:59
we are a family of 5 (children are 7,4,1) and this price is quite the norm. Anything under around $40 p/n is good.
AnswerID: 466911

Reply By: Member - Anthony W Adelaide - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 15:16

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 15:16
Hi Pinko,

That does not seem overly expensive to me either mate. 12hours or 24 hours is the same.

It must cost a fortune to operate a caravan park these days, especially for insurance, buisiness registration, council compliance and other things like that, that they still have to pay but do not get anything for.

As long as the place is clean, facilities are reasonable and other geusts are responsible (I mean not ferals) then that is fair enough IMHO, especially if you have showers etc.

How much did you pay when you stayed there before?

AnswerID: 466912

Reply By: Kris and Kev - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 15:20

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 15:20
My two cents worth. All arguments are very valid, but I do take exception to the line, ‘free loading in free camping areas.’ We choose to stay at a variety of places, being National Parks, Caravan Parks and free camping areas. Some of the very best places in this great country are the designated free camping places. Often they are in the best location. We do not ‘free load’! We will make sure we spend money in the community where we are staying for free. In Tasmania recently we even had a local residence come up to us and thank us for staying there. (Paper Beach) This local told us that while the area is classified as a ‘free camping area’ the local council cannot sell it off. The locals love seeing it being used by tourists. Re Caravan Parks, there are some good and some bad ones. We only stay at the bad ones once. The good ones we go back to.
AnswerID: 466913

Follow Up By: olcoolone - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 22:39

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 22:39
"Free loading in free camping areas", not having a go at people who use them as we do occasionally but most free camp areas do have a maximum number of nights stay.... usually 2 nights.

You see some people who use them; set up for the long haul with no intention of only staying the maximum number of nights allowed.

Same as parking bays and rest stops, when who ever starts charging a fee to control overstayers there will be a hugh uproar much like whats happening with tracks closing and restrictions being placed on certain areas.

And good on ya for spending in the community your visiting.... there are a hell of a lot who don't.

FollowupID: 741090

Reply By: Member -Dodger - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 16:52

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 16:52
I belong to the bush camping nomads and love it.
We do on occasions stay at caravan parks whilst we visit and enjoy the surrounds.
We have stayed at the Kidman camp caravan park and found it very good.
It is at Nth Bourke not sth. The cost at this time of year in NSW is always up because of school holidays and this park is no exception. Our stay was for 3 nights while we had a boat trip on the Jandra, visited Mt. Oxley, the Bourke stockade, the wharf and many other places of interest.
We found the amenities clean and well presented with happy hour round a fire near the hut enjoyable.
We however did not pay $45 but $30 for 2 Adults only.
If we, a group of three vans were not exploring the district and only wanted an overnight stay would have bush camped then moved on.

I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.

Cheers Dodg.

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AnswerID: 466925

Reply By: Member -Pinko (NSW) - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 18:06

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 18:06
Sorry I stuck my head out on this one. My cash must have been harder to get than yours. And I do own my rig if that what I am judged upon but when it gets sold the proceeds will go toward our nursing home levy
Last week at Glenelg $41 with an en-suite. Today $46 at Coffs Harbour with an en-suite, At Corindi on the ocean $41 with en-suite,Woolgoolga Lake side powered site $26 but no jumping castles or pool etc
Living is a journey,it depends on where you go !
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AnswerID: 466934

Reply By: Member - John G- Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 18:06

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 18:06
G'day Pinko

The Thread is dragging on a bit, but like some others we have stayed several times at Kidman's Camp, and would count it amongst one of the best in that neck of the woods (or plains?). Park prices are creeping up, and overnight with three children @ $45 seems reasonable, altho' with all being under four, perhaps there should be some discounting if their charge is a flat fee for extra people.

AnswerID: 466935

Reply By: Livin On The Road - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 18:20

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 18:20
The average we have been asked staying at caravan parks is $50 - 60 a night. The worst was Alice Springs where we were asked $78 for one night ... with no power.

That's why we only free camp. We couldn't afford to travel longterm and stay in caravan parks with 4 kids. Particularly now that the youngest is about to turn three. I wouldn't complain at paying the regular amount that they charge ... but the surplus per child is absolutely ridiculous. My kids use extra water. We don't use any extra power for having kids.
AnswerID: 466936

Reply By: Member -Pinko (NSW) - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 19:24

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 19:24
An Update
Kidman Camp is $30 a night for 2 people with power.
It is $6 for each for every child under 10 yrs.
In this case :
One child is still on the breast
The second is just talking
the third is a boy under 4yrs.
Fair --- oh yeah
Living is a journey,it depends on where you go !
VKS 737 mobile 0049 selcall 0049

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AnswerID: 466948

Follow Up By: Shaker - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 21:15

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 21:15
My friend had a caravan park for years, ask him if it's fair, after he has been digging up metres of sewerage pipe to clear out the disposable nappies that have been flushed down the toilet, or you could ask him after he has just finished cleaning the amenities block after parents have let their kids run rampant through them.
He often said that he wished people would bring their dogs & leave their kids at home!
FollowupID: 741081

Reply By: get outmore - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 19:57

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 19:57
thats funny my mate took his wife and 2 kids to bali (one under 2) and it was a touch more than $315 more like a few grand

whats more a dirtier craphole he had never seen and the only about it he talks about is some dodgy dvds he got for $1 each 1/2 of which dont play

but hey - if thats your thing....................
AnswerID: 466952

Reply By: Wilko (Parkes NSW) - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 20:15

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 20:15
Hi Pinko,

I'd prefer to free camp, its cheaper and you get to have a fire and dogs. $45 is cheap for some of the cvan resorts but I hear what you sayingIf you dont want the mod cons just power and a shower it does seem exxy.

Cheers Wilko
AnswerID: 466955

Reply By: kidsandall - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 21:04

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 21:04
Lets clear a few things up. A caravan park or any business can charge what ever they like, you choose to pay it or not to pay. Un fair is if they quote you one price then charge another, or advertise facilities/ammenities and don't have them or not in good condition. If you enquire of a price and they quote it, you can choose not to pay it. To bag a place simply because you aren't happy with the price they quoted is a bit rich.
We stayed in a park which showed lovely ammenities in the brochure but when we arrived it was shocking. That is different. Another place was so run down it was dangerous. We asked for our money back and moved on.
If it is there normal price as advertised then it's your choice to pay it.
What does make me wonder is how the the price per person changes so much between parks, but then motels are the same and petrol and groceries and .....everything. Not happy, don't pay it.
Did you check the price before they arrived or just asume it would be cheap??

AnswerID: 466962

Follow Up By: Member - Duke (TAS) - Friday, Oct 07, 2011 at 20:52

Friday, Oct 07, 2011 at 20:52
Well said Josh. If you don,t like it move on.Your choice whether it be Caravan Parks or Bush Camps.
FollowupID: 741143

Follow Up By: PaulW54 - Friday, Oct 07, 2011 at 22:22

Friday, Oct 07, 2011 at 22:22
Yep - nail on the head there.

It's not that hard to work out what a site will cost you - either on the net or by phone. My experience is that EVERY price quoted is for 2 people - if you have more then it WILL cost you more.

And don't forget that in some of these more isolated locations water & electrickery can cost the park owner a fortune.

We stayed at Kidman Camp in June on our way to NT and thought it was fine.


FollowupID: 741151

Reply By: SDG - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 21:30

Thursday, Oct 06, 2011 at 21:30
Try going on your own as a single adult. regardless of where you go, you pay as if your with another.
AnswerID: 466963

Reply By: Member - Joe n Mel n kids (FNQ - Friday, Oct 07, 2011 at 22:37

Friday, Oct 07, 2011 at 22:37
so funny to read these "hot topics" .............. i will add my bit, if you dont like the cost then please stay at home and buy the cd of it, it will be cheaper and it will free up the road ................... it is alway going to cost, it is HOLIDAYS and if you did not plan to spend EXCESSIVE amounts of money to be happy then you did not plan it well, it will always be expensive, that is life eh......
For your info, we are on hols, the car has broken down, wheel bearing got water in it and ran dry, we are at Wycliffe Well, we have booked TWO ROOMS at $100 each for maybe 3 nights, we have 3 kids, kids in one room and us the the other, i am NOT complaining as it is a fantastic spot and kids are having a ball, i allowed for it in my costs so we are happy ... yep $600 buck later and we will be gone and on the road again but we have had a ball ....
Enjoy what you have while you can, all the money in the world cant buy some things so suc it up princess :-)
AnswerID: 467048

Follow Up By: kidsandall - Saturday, Oct 08, 2011 at 20:38

Saturday, Oct 08, 2011 at 20:38
Hi Joe, We had RACV blue cover when we travelled. Not sure what it is or if they have in QLD, but it covers the cost of motels/towing ect when away from home. From memory it cost us about $200 a year. You'd be $400 in front already. We worked out in 3 yrs we got several thousand out of them. I think you get up to $2000 accom per breal down. We got 3 weeks in Coffs Harbour while waiting for the car to be fixed. Well worth it.

FollowupID: 741233

Follow Up By: Fatso - Sunday, Oct 09, 2011 at 22:34

Sunday, Oct 09, 2011 at 22:34
Hey Joe, your only smiling because you and your wife are sleeping in a different room to the kids for a change.
FollowupID: 741333

Follow Up By: kidsandall - Sunday, Oct 09, 2011 at 23:15

Sunday, Oct 09, 2011 at 23:15
FollowupID: 741336

Follow Up By: Member - Joe n Mel n kids (FNQ - Sunday, Oct 09, 2011 at 23:17

Sunday, Oct 09, 2011 at 23:17
hahahaah ..... you really reckon eh ...... yep you guessed it, on holidays man, gotta be some "us" time ..... it was actually a really good few days, it is not such a bad place to get stuck at .............hung over a tad when we had to leave hahaha

Hey Josh,
What i dont get is if you have paid out $600 bucks and gotten back $2000 grand, how do they afford to do it?????? i do agree it would be good but nobody gives away anything for nothing these days so either it is about to vastly increase in price or i am missing something ....

FollowupID: 741337

Follow Up By: kidsandall - Sunday, Oct 09, 2011 at 23:23

Sunday, Oct 09, 2011 at 23:23
It's no different to your insurance, except they cover accom and towing instead of repairs and you just pay a premium, not an excess. see here

It called road side assist. Most states have some form of it.


FollowupID: 741338

Follow Up By: kidsandall - Sunday, Oct 09, 2011 at 23:26

Sunday, Oct 09, 2011 at 23:26
Try this one, it shows what you get for your money
FollowupID: 741339

Reply By: Member -Pinko (NSW) - Saturday, Oct 08, 2011 at 14:40

Saturday, Oct 08, 2011 at 14:40
Thankyou to all those who advised me not to be so tight and i will endeavour to be a 'user pay'
However in the future I will hand my cash over the counter and will demand a receipt or pay with plastic.
Thanks for your time.
Living is a journey,it depends on where you go !
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AnswerID: 467106

Reply By: fisho64 - Monday, Oct 10, 2011 at 00:42

Monday, Oct 10, 2011 at 00:42
its funny reading responses above-theres some real "holier than thou" people here.
Some "members" respond as though Exploroz is their personal fiefdom where an opinion expressed contrary to theirs (and not directed at them) is taken as a personal slight.

Pinko-I agree with some of what you say, also having a large family (5 young kids).
If a park can make a profit off a site with a tariff allowing for 2 adults, then I believe it isnt fair to be charging an extra $10 a night for a 1 year old.
A 1 year old doesnt spend "10 minutes in a shower using up all the hot water" or "trashing all the amenities". Maybe a 4 or 5 year old....

Someone mentioned an acquaintance (caravan park owner) who didnt like people bringing their kids-maybe its not only the customer who should "suck it up princess", "if you dont like it dont be there" etc????

One night in a caravan park powered site in WA for my family peak season is over $100 easily. Thats a nice coastal park on the south coast etc and OK if only for 1 week a year, but long term travellers out of peak would only be paying $20 or so less.
AnswerID: 467226

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