Comment: Gunbarrel Highway

We recently did the Gunbarrel (early Sept 2011) in our Isuzu NPS 300 Winnebago (bushpig) from Wiluna to Warburton. To Carnegie Stn it was a breeze camping overnight at Henry Johnsons Waterhole, really nice spot. From Carnegie Stn it got a lot rougher, corrugations and washouts. Continually getting into 4th gear gaining speed for about 60 seconds only to stop suddenly where the road was washed away. When we got to the claypan it was full of water, after consulting the 4wd book it said if this was the case to drive around the perimeter, which we did. The corrugations seemed to get wider apart and many times it seemed like our truck was bumping up and down on the spot going no where. The washouts were even worse and in some spots we had to go off the road making a new track for a while. Some of the sideways inclines had to be negotiated very carefully so we did not roll. I promised my husband that the Heather Hwy would be a lot better (according to the book) but it was just as bad for the first section, lucky I was driving. Hubby was stressing about the cost of new springs and what would happen if we got two flatties. When we got to the Great Central it was like a freeway. It took us two days with no break downs, but we saw many upside down trailers where the springs had been raided. In some parts the track was very narrow scraping the dust off the sides of the truck. Diesel at Warburton was $2.35 p/l (ouch). All in all it was a good experience but in hindsight it was probably a bit narrow for the bushpig.
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