Making SMEV gas burners work
Submitted: Thursday, Aug 25, 2011 at 19:26
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Member - Mel D (NSW)
Like many campers, our Ultimate came with a SMEV two burner gas cooker. Basically a good unit but with two glitches that affect (cant say why) just the large burner.
A. The auto spark igniter doesnt ignite the large burner. :(
B. After a short time the safety cutout cuts off the gas even though there is a healthy flame. :(
Through trial and error I have found that somehow the burning gas fouls the igniter and the safety cutout sensor so they dont work properly. I can make the burner work reliably only if I give the igniter and the safety cutout a quick polish each morning with a strip of 400 grit wet and dry emery paper.
If anyone ( even SMEV) know a better way to achieve reliable working, post it here!
Reply By: MEMBER - Darian, SA - Saturday, Aug 27, 2011 at 13:46
Saturday, Aug 27, 2011 at 13:46
Yep - its a Smev trait alright - our 4 burner in the van has had one particular ring that has played up since the time the warranty just ran out (of course). That safety pin always works better with a polish, BUT lately, the burner has been working really
well. The only thing I did was take the burner apart a few weeks back,
check for faults (none seen), put it back and presto - been good. The snag is, the other 3 rings have safety pins that are just as dirty.....I've never cleaned them and they've never failed. So, the evidence points to a dodgy thermocouple as mentioned above - they must be calibrated very fine - just a whisker off spec in manufacture would explain it.