$10K to spend but no idea what to buy.

I have touched on this subject before but had the blinkers on so might have limited my options a bit too much.

The CFO is allowing me to spend about $10K (would like to get change personally) on a 4X4.

Now what to buy? Must haves are: 4 door, dual range, manual (prefered), no more than 200,000kms, wagon style and prefer something "mid sized" or a bit smaller. Needs to be economical to use as a daily driver. To be used for weekend get aways, mud, dirt roads but no extreme CSR type stuff.

Considered options so far are Pajero, Pajero io, Jackaroo, Frontera, Challenger, high km Parado, and Pathfinder. What else is out there? Looked at 2.8 Patrols but they're a bit big.

Decisions, decisions?????
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