
Submitted: Friday, Nov 28, 2003 at 23:33
ThreadID: 8833 Views:4823 Replies:3 FollowUps:0
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Just went out and bought a BJ40 1979 with the infamous 3L 4cyl Diesel and i have immediately noticed it doesnt like going up long steep hills. Is there anything on the cheapside in which i can do thatll help it up the hill?
Just have some questions:
What is the thing like in terms of water tightness? Will it fill up, etc etc.
What are these babies known or good for, what is the most they can handle?
What has everyone else who owns one done to theirs?
Where can i go to find cheap parts, etc?

Any information would be appreciated.

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Reply By: Member - DOZER- Saturday, Nov 29, 2003 at 10:37

Saturday, Nov 29, 2003 at 10:37
2 chaff bags over the headlights when a hill is coming helps get you over it. These motors dont produce a great deal of power, turboing it if it is in good nick is the best way to make it more driver friendly.
If you put a snorkle on the intake, it will wade through deep water without stopping. Once the intake goes under it is all over for the motor and your forward motion.
If you intend to cross water without a snorkel, use a tarp over the front as a water blind and once you have made a wave, stay behind it (follow it accross)
Andrew wheredayathinkwer mike?
AnswerID: 38870

Reply By: Brian- Saturday, Nov 29, 2003 at 10:45

Saturday, Nov 29, 2003 at 10:45
Hi Matt,

E-mail me

I can help increase the power and staying power. Very nominal expense. Besides you need to know about the Diesel Fuel available in Australia today.

Brian Rogers Exploroz 525
AnswerID: 38871

Reply By: BJ42turbo - Saturday, Nov 29, 2003 at 14:27

Saturday, Nov 29, 2003 at 14:27
I went through the same thing with my BJ42, and saved up all my bickies for a turbo, now she loves those hill, well maybe likes those inclines..........Dazz
AnswerID: 38877

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