noisy snorkel on 3ltr hilux

Submitted: Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 21:36
ThreadID: 8784 Views:9319 Replies:7 FollowUps:2
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hi all
just fitted a safari snorkel to my 3ltr diesel hilux with dts turbo .it has
now become noisy especially about 2500rvs any one got any sugestions
other than the obvious to try & fix the problem it has had the turbo fitted
for about 20000kys with no problems with the noise before fitting the snorkel
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Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 21:53

Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 21:53
What sort of noise?? induction thru the snorkel??


AnswerID: 38608

Reply By: friar - Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 06:29

Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 06:29
hi truckster
the noise sems to resinate from the engine I had the 2.5 mandrel exaust
fitted for 4 days before fitting the snorkel making the external exaust
a little louder but was about the same noise levels in the cab hope
this information can be of some assistance truckster
AnswerID: 38642

Reply By: Member - Scooby (WA) - Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 14:07

Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 14:07
Make sure the silencer has been fitted in the intake tube after the air cleaner.
I took the silencer out of my Hilux to see if there was any increase in power. There wasn't, only that induction resonance you talk about. I soon re installed it- no, more noise!
ScoobyHilux Dualcab, 3 litre diesel
AnswerID: 38669

Reply By: friar - Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 16:27

Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 16:27
Hi scooby
i take it that you mean betwen the air cleaner & the turbo , could you
please confirm this much appreciated
AnswerID: 38691

Follow Up By: Member - Scooby (WA) - Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 16:48

Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 16:48
My truck does not have a turbo. The silencer that is supplied by Safari is a steel disk which looks like a large washer. It fits in the flexible rubber hose between the air cleaner and the motor. Not sure if this settup applies to the turbo motor. Ring Safari and ask the question.
ScoobyHilux Dualcab, 3 litre diesel
FollowupID: 28660

Follow Up By: Member - Nick (TAS) - Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 20:19

Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 20:19
From memory ARB reccomend to remove the washer for Turbo vehicles,the snorkel also needs to be mounted stress free ie no pressure on any fittings as this will cause extra noise at certain revs.
FollowupID: 28676

Reply By: floyd - Monday, Dec 01, 2003 at 14:17

Monday, Dec 01, 2003 at 14:17
Please read a response to Goodsy that I wrote today about the same problem.

"I have the current model duel cab SR5 non Turbo 3 litre and have had vibration problems since fitting a Safari Snorkel. To date the vibration or resonance has caused all light fittings on the passenger side to rattle loose. Even the little side indicator lense has loosened right up. My headlight mounts have cracked and the front indicator assembly has also fallen apart. I have pulled the whole snorkel apart and re tightened all of the mounts and insulated the mounting point on the A-pillar with rubber and it all works for a while and then the vibrations start again. Silicone rubber helps a bit but it does not last for ever. The noise is the worst between 1500 and 2500 rpms on every gear. It is really bleep ting me. I bought it through ARB in the eastern suburbs and Safari have not been able to assist me with fixing it. Have you had anything similar happen with yours? Floyd"

All response that I have read from this and a couple of other forums have not helped at all. Each thing that I try either does not work or works for a while and then stops again. To date I have not been able to find the washer in the air line between the air filter and motor. Safari assures me that it is there. I live in regional Victoria and have not had the chance to take it back to ARB for rectifying. To date most of the left side lighting mounts have broken.

I am not happy that I fitted the Snorkel in the first place. If I had known then what I know now I would have just avoiuded rivers. It has turned a most soundproof vehicle into a rattling piece of crap.

I would like to keep in touch with you to see if you can fix it. I am also thinking of fitting an aftermarket turbo. What difference did it make?

AnswerID: 39048

Reply By: friar - Monday, Dec 01, 2003 at 21:00

Monday, Dec 01, 2003 at 21:00
Hi Floyd
I have managed to quiten it down ,hopefuly it wil stay that way
The first problem was the grate on the snorkel head vibrating,
fixed that which made a big diferance then found the bolts on
the mudguard could be tightened ,from there to packing the
front blinker assembly with rubber ,never found the washer
that you can also not find, about the turbo best thing you can
add to the hilux cruise all day at highway speed & feel relaxed
at the end of the day after a long drive ,fuel consumption has
remained about the same,just fited the snorkel & mandrel exaust
which has given me a little more power ,have not done many klms
yet to test the fuel consumption
AnswerID: 39092

Reply By: friar - Monday, Dec 01, 2003 at 21:00

Monday, Dec 01, 2003 at 21:00
Hi Floyd
I have managed to quiten it down ,hopefuly it wil stay that way
The first problem was the grate on the snorkel head vibrating,
fixed that which made a big diferance then found the bolts on
the mudguard could be tightened ,from there to packing the
front blinker assembly with rubber ,never found the washer
that you can also not find, about the turbo best thing you can
add to the hilux cruise all day at highway speed & feel relaxed
at the end of the day after a long drive ,fuel consumption has
remained about the same,just fited the snorkel & mandrel exaust
which has given me a little more power ,have not done many klms
yet to test the fuel consumption
AnswerID: 39093

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