All, I am so over the hassles about these!
And...I know that the issue has been raised before...But....
Yes, I'll do the 'right thing' as I'm about to embark on a remote are trip from WA to
Bourke and back thru the Simpson and the WA remote desert tracks.
This is what I/we have to put up with:
"To travel this track (and this is only one of the tracks I have to get a permit for) , a minimum of three separate Aboriginal permits will be required. Two for Western Australia, one for travelling from Warakurna along the
Great Central Road to the Sandy Blight
Junction Track turn off, one permit travelling the Sandy Blight
Junction Track while in Western Australia and another permit for travelling the Sandy Blight
Junction Track while in the Northern Territory and on to
Kintore. Depending on which way you will be travelling from
Kintore, you will then require further permits from the below Aboriginal bodies. The two bodies that handle the Permits are:...and on and on.............................................."
And when you try to one of the contact said 'bodies' it has to be by snail mail.
That's not on anymore.!!
I do respect Aboriginal interests. I haven't climbed, and won't climb Uluru for instance. And.... I understand why they're concerned to know about how many people are 'out there' and how to manage the impacts.
But... the bureaucracy of it all is getting me really unhappy!!! Big time. And, I assume, that the people who pay to keep these tracks open are not the people who are laying on the bureaucracy trowel. I am assuming, that.. it's me and you!!!
So, I am not going to put up with this crap anymore.
I'm going to press for Gov't to cease providing funding for any 'closed' roads, unless they're fully user recovered, or become open access. Or...applications for permits becomes easy. Like, really easy - electronically.
So. I for one am happy to start an 'anti permits' campaign. I shouldn't have to - where are the national 4WD lobbies on this?????
Provided there's a groundswell of like minded concerned, increasingly locked out, 4WD'rs who will support me....
Note. Rednecks need not apply! I'm only interested in a progessive debate to influence better outcomes.