Sterilising an in car water tank

Submitted: Friday, Jul 01, 2011 at 22:57
ThreadID: 87325 Views:2411 Replies:5 FollowUps:0
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Hi all we are heading away again in a couple of weeks and I want to sterilise the inside of our in car 60lt water tank. Has anyone used a product that does this without leaving a taste or residual ?

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Reply By: Motherhen - Friday, Jul 01, 2011 at 23:04

Friday, Jul 01, 2011 at 23:04
Hi Geardy

What is the tank made of? If it really does need a clean, use a solution of household bleach or swimming pool chlorine and rinse well afterwards. There have been a couple of recent posts on water tank cleaning - have a read. But does it needs sterilising?


Red desert dreaming

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AnswerID: 458998

Reply By: Member - Craig F (WA) - Saturday, Jul 02, 2011 at 08:00

Saturday, Jul 02, 2011 at 08:00
I use Miltons. You can get it from most supermarkets.
Its used to sterilize baby bottles etc. Is also used for tanks. I use it once a year on my tanks to ensure I have no sludge buildup. I fill the tank two thirds full add the Miltons then drive around for the day to dislodge anything that may be in there.

AnswerID: 459002

Reply By: Time - Saturday, Jul 02, 2011 at 10:30

Saturday, Jul 02, 2011 at 10:30
Tank Cleen fromBCF or any boating/caravan shop is the go.
AnswerID: 459008

Reply By: Ozhumvee - Saturday, Jul 02, 2011 at 10:48

Saturday, Jul 02, 2011 at 10:48
All I've ever done is fill with tap water from the local supply at home. Most towns and cities these days put plenty of (too much) chlorine in the local water supply which does the trick. Considering when I fill the spa there is too much chlorine in the water straight out of the tap there would be plenty to kill any bugs.
Be careful putting strong chemicals in tanks especially plastic ones as often the chlorine/chemical can never be removed from the plastic.
When we come home I just drain what was in there if picked up on our travels and refill from the tap.
Been doing it for over 30 years with zero probs.
AnswerID: 459010

Reply By: Member - Bucky - Sunday, Jul 03, 2011 at 06:10

Sunday, Jul 03, 2011 at 06:10
I use a sodium hypochloride solution. 12 1/2 % available chlorine.
It's the stronger cousin to "White King"......I use a bit hit, short time principal.

I am a "cheese maker" by trade, and very used to this highly effective steriliser.
Never a residue, if you rince properly, and that is just it, most people do not rince properly..
When you think you have rinsed it, rinse again, and again. Finally fill with water, and allow to stand overnight, dump the water, and now your tank will be ready.

AnswerID: 459047

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