Friday, May 06, 2011 at 13:18
Hi Trev6
I will answer your question, but will say this first.
haha, should have been a politician hehe.
I have used acetone in both petrol and diesel to good effect.
With the older carby petty cars, ie old valliants with long intake manifolds etc, the acetone really improved the cars running, particularly when cold.
And as an added benefit, it also cleans your fuel system removing varnish etc inside the carby and manifold.
With Diesel, it also helps with atomization of the sprayed diesel from the injector tip, a greater benefit can be gained if the injectors are not working as
well as they could and the spray pattern is not quite right with higher mileage injectors, it also helps good injectors by enabling a finer spray/ atomization, thus better burn.
It also cleans away varnish and gum that can buildup, sometimes being the cause of poor spray patterns.
It also absorbs water, thus it will carry water thru the fuel system and to the injectors where, if alot of water is carried there, can damage the injector nozzles and pump.
So I say, Yes you can run 2 stroke at 200:1 in your diesel, as
well as acetone at the same time.
Saying this I would recommend before using acetone to
check the water drain on your fuel tanks, and make sure they are running clean.
check any water traps you have on your filtration system ensuring they are free from water.
Then yes, run the acetone as per ratio in the link in one of my posts.
I have noticed a reduction in black smoke on load, and better fuel burn when using acetone only.
The main reason I used acetone in diesel to begin with was to ensure my tanks were free of any moisture. I used it to enable the water to mix with the diesel and be burn, as it was a very small amount after checking the tanks and water traps etc.
It also had the benefit of better running and fuel burn too.
Hope that helps you make a decision.
I use 2 stroke all the time, and run some acetone every other month just to remove any moisture that can build up in the tank when it naturally breathes as your fuel level gets low.