Saturday, Mar 26, 2011 at 22:16
All cool. If one went around dictating what people must do to their comms and such then one would have a very loney life. I am far from dictating. That's why I use words to suggest how to improve things. And exactly why I said "preferably on a separate pole".
Practically the radio appears to be satisfying your needs. But remember the close
metal pole will be causing a missmatch internally to the antenna, coax and the innards of the radio. In the vernacular of the CBer its quite possible that it is not SWARED in correctly. And if not so the incorrectly matched antenna system will be "fighting" with the PA final circuitry and more than likely lessening the serviceable lifetime of the components in the radio and may make it fail at any time. Or you may be lucky and it will outlast both you and I.
Personally I would find another mount. Maybe an antenna base, not a ground independant base, in the roof of the van and remove the antenna when on the move. That's where I put one before we ditched the van. I also had a full amateur radio station installed in the van. HF, VHF and UHF radios as
well as PA's (capable of 1.5 kilowatts ), antenna patch and antenna rotation controllers. I do not use ground independant antenna bases.
I do not know the site parameters and cannot comment any further.
Anyway, lets face it, UHF is not the best for any mobile radio setup. Too many shortcomings. But it helps. And its free.