Butane Gas Stoves

Submitted: Tuesday, Nov 11, 2003 at 13:57
ThreadID: 8444 Views:1776 Replies:6 FollowUps:2
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Anyone have suggestions for getting the butane stove to work better on cold mornings.

I've tried to keep the cannisters warm overnight (wrap up in a jumper), but after a short period of use the gas gets too cold to generate enough flame to boil the billy. Can be a real pain sometimes.


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Reply By: Catherine - Tuesday, Nov 11, 2003 at 14:08

Tuesday, Nov 11, 2003 at 14:08
I've used the butane stoves for the last few years, and I have never had any problem with the cartridges on cold mornings. We usually keep them inside the vehicle, and just ensure that the vehicle is closed up each night when camping. I think it also depends on how much butane you have left in the cartridges, cause there have been others in our club that have had problems, but have been using half empty cannisters.

Just my opinion!


AnswerID: 36841

Follow Up By: Member - jaksun - Wednesday, Nov 12, 2003 at 16:32

Wednesday, Nov 12, 2003 at 16:32
if they had been half full they would have had no problems ,(smile)
FollowupID: 26764

Reply By: Member - Glenn(VIC) - Tuesday, Nov 11, 2003 at 14:11

Tuesday, Nov 11, 2003 at 14:11
Hi Buggerlux,

I know exactly what you mean. What I now do is boil the billy after preparing dinner and store it in the thermos. Also means the coffee takes less time to prepare first thing in the morning.

As to warming the butane cannister, someone did suggest to me a place it in warm water for a while, but I haven't tried it yet. Another trick could be to put it in the car next to the heater for a few minutes.

It is the only downfall of the stoves I believe.

CheersJust Do It!

AnswerID: 36843

Reply By: Member - Oskar(Bris) - Tuesday, Nov 11, 2003 at 14:54

Tuesday, Nov 11, 2003 at 14:54
I use a butane cooker for short trips etc.
However, after the cooker that my friend was using exploded sending pieces of it right through her tent (ripped through two sides) and other bits going in all directions, I will be very cautious the next time I light mine up.
It was a fair dinkum explosion not just a "poof".
When we got in touch with the relevant gov. authority responsible for gas explosions and notifiable events etc, we found that such explosions while using the canister type cookers are not that uncommon.
They came out and took photographs of the damage (a plastic case full of loose, twisted pieces) and made a report etc. (What good it will do I don't really know)
The people using the cooker were experienced in using such equipment and were just boiling a billy of water for a cuppa.
Just thought it might be interesting
oskarThe real oskar
AnswerID: 36846

Reply By: chopper - Tuesday, Nov 11, 2003 at 15:50

Tuesday, Nov 11, 2003 at 15:50
That's a bit scary Oskar, I use mine all the time for 'quick jobs'.

I've never had a problem in the cold.
AnswerID: 36856

Follow Up By: Member - Oskar(Bris) - Tuesday, Nov 11, 2003 at 17:31

Tuesday, Nov 11, 2003 at 17:31
We use ours for the same things, quick cuppa, toasted sandwiches, etc while on the road. We have usually just used it in the back of the wagon (on the tail-gate) but NO MORE.
We'll make sure we use it way out in the open from now on.
We have had the problem with loss in pressure with cold, usually when the can is fairly empty.
We just keep a couple of cans on the go for a quick swap.
OskarThe real oskar
FollowupID: 26669

Reply By: Member - Gary - Tuesday, Nov 11, 2003 at 20:14

Tuesday, Nov 11, 2003 at 20:14
I have also had one of these cookers explode, and yes it went right off. Luckily I had a cast iron griddle on it cooking the snags. Stopped the bits of metal flying towards my family.

However it was my own stupid fault. My father is very hands on and I let him set it up and cook lunch. After it exploded I realised that he had not turned the cover over to put the fins on top. He had forced the canister on and it leaked. Obviously it over heated and bang. I should have told him how to set it up. Snags were found over a 10 foot circle but after brushing the dirt off them they tasted alright.

Now have two of the things and use them all the time. Never had a problem since

GaryDead in the City - Alive in the Bush
AnswerID: 36900

Reply By: Phil R - Wednesday, Nov 12, 2003 at 22:55

Wednesday, Nov 12, 2003 at 22:55
I've been using these little stoves for a few years without any problems YET!!.
don't use large frying pans that are too big and cover the canister compartment
as this will cause things to get hot in there. These canisters go off with a fair
bang, We put one of these canisters (empty) in a fire in a large open mining area and when it let go the top blew out and the main part of the can was found
nearly 100 metres away. "Don't try this, it's dangerous". I've noticed when the
lever is down to engage the canister the gas knob can be easily turned or bumped
allowing the gas to be turned on, this is ok when lighting the stove as the knob is
fully turned and the igniter is activated to light the gas, but if the knob is partially
turned (if it's bumped) unlit gas escapes until the canister is empty, I've seen
this happen in the back of a vehicle, I see this as a safety design fault, the knob
should need to be pushed in before it can be turned on. I always make a point
of disengaging the canister after use.

AnswerID: 37090

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