Thursday, Nov 04, 2010 at 20:44
Hi xwildgt,
Following thread, #82277
I purchased thefridge and eagerly awaited its arrival.
Please read the thread mentioned above for my next issue.
This is a SR90'E'-G3, sticker on back clearly states, made in Malaysia. Which model is yours? I presume the latest 'F' model
I have a question for you.
I know the 'F' states a lower Db nopise level and just slightly lower power consumption, but we have tested the fridge in 240v only so far. I was after a comparision to yours......
On setting 5, the freezer got down to minus 17 deg C, within 4 hrs, which i thought was very Good. (we didnt have second thermostat at the time to
check fridge)
I adjusted the setting to '3' and overnight
check in the morning the fridge was only at 7deg C with freezer only minus 1 temp.
I thought this was 'not so good.'
With a setting of '2', the freezer did not get below zero and the fridge was above 10deg C.
We unpacked it inside the salon and with ambiant temperature of steady 23-24 deg c, (climate controlled room) it seemed to struggle a bit with the compressor running to what I considered a majority of the time.
How do you have yours set?
I thought a mid range setting of '3' would have been perfect, but it looks like a higher setting to keep a good cold temp.
Could you also post a picture of the interior of your freezer for comparision.
I would like to look at whether you have these screw threads coming down inside.
Look forward to heearing from you,
Regards Paul